Jimmy McMillan
Jimmy McMillan, of the "Rent Is Too Damn High" Party, is running for mayor of New York City. Creative Commons

"The rent is too damn high" party now has a candidate for Mayor of New York City. Jimmy McMillan, the gregarious fast-talking advocate for lower housing costs announced he will be challenging the Republican and Democrat candidates to replace outgoing Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

The 66-year-old Brooklynite originally planned to contest former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., and the other candidates on the Republican presidential ticket in 2012. He also ran for governor of New York State leaving behind a number of memorable public appearances on the campaign trail. During a debate with the other gubernatorial candidates, Jimmy McMillan's "Rent is too damn high" message seemed to temporarily fluster then-candidate Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y., who followed McMillan in his opening statement, seen here.

"The rent is going up and nobody [is] tackling that matter," Jimmy McMillan said of his new mayoral candidacy. While he maintains his membership in the Rent Is Too Damn High Party, McMillan, a Vietnam War Veteran, was a registered Democrat until he reportedly switched to Republican in advance of his contemplation of challenging the GOP in 2012.

He previously appeared unannounced at CPAC 2012 in Washington, D.C. McMillan walked into the lower level lobby of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel and was immediately surrounded by young conservatives who recognized his trademark goatee and moustache, as he announced his arrival by naming his political party. Actor Kenan Thompson irregularly portrays McMillan on Saturday Night Live.

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