Mugshots of Reese Witherspoon and husband Jim Toth.
Mugshots of Reese Witherspoon and husband Jim Toth. Reuters

Reese Witherspoon was arrested for disorderly conduct after she continually disobeyed orders from a police officer in Atlanta, Georgia. The mother of three was arrested with her husband, James Toth, after he failed a sobriety test and charged with a DUI.

A police report was released on Sunday following Reese's arrest on Friday that chronicled the entire event. Witherspoon and Toth were pulled over by a patrol car under suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Upon the police officer approaching the vehicle, his report stated that he "smelled a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from Mr. Toth's breath." When the police officer asked how many drinks he had consumed, "Mr. Toth stated a drink." The police officer performed a field sobriety test on Mr. Toth and apparently this is when the trouble started.

The officer reported that, "Before we began filed sobriety, Mrs. Witherspoon got out of the vehicle." Again the officer writes, "As I performed HGN on Mr. Toth, Mrs. Witherspoon got back out of the vehicle. I had to tell Mrs. Witherspoon several times to get back in the vehicle before she did so."

Witherspoon's husband was then put under arrest for a blood alcohol level reported to be .139, well above the legal limit of 0.08.

Once Toth was handcuffed, Witherspoon left the vehicle again and told the officer that she was a "US citizen" and that she had the right to "stand on American ground." The report continued to describe how Reese even resisited while the officer grabbed her arms in order to place handcuffs on her, the officer only managed to arrest her because Toth calmed a then-hysterical Witherspoon.

The officer's report further details the interaction, "Mrs. Witherspoon asked, "Do you know my name?" I answered, "No, I don't need to know your name." Mrs. Witherspoon stated, "You're about to find out who I am."'

Moreover Witherspoon continued to threaten the officer by stating, "You are going to be on national news."

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