Sony has announced 11 digital entertainment applications that will be on the PlayStation 4 when it launches Nov. 15 in the U.S. The company announced that starting day one, a number of popular digital entertainment services like Hulu Plus, Netflix and Amazon Instant Video will be available with more coming soon. The PlayStation team is working hard to keep fans of the brand happy saying, "PlayStation is dedicated to giving our fans the best entertainment options on our platforms."
So without further ado, here is the list of apps that will be available day one when the PS4 launches: Amazon Instant Video, Crackle, Crunchyroll, EPIX, Hulu Plus, NBA Game Time, Netflix, NHL GameCenter LIVE, Redbox Instant by Verizon, VUDI and YuppTV. All entertainment apps can be found in the TV & Video section of PS4's home screen or in the PlayStation Store. Keep checking the PlayStation Blog for more updates on other new and exciting apps that will be coming to PS4.
As you can see there are a ton of TV, movie and sports apps that will be available for the PS4, but you will notice there are no music applications. Not sure why Sony skipped on the music applications but with more apps "coming soon" we are sure Sony will add a wide variety of music apps to the PlayStation 4 console. For more information on the day one apps check out Sony's PlayStation Blog. Are you happy with the day one apps coming to the PS4? And will you be buying a PlayStation 4 Nov. 15?
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