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Recent findings from a Canadian aircraft involved in the search for the missing Titanic-bound submersible have revealed the presence of recurring "banging" sounds every 30 minutes in the area where the submersible lost radio contact with its surface ship.

Internal emails sent to the Department of Homeland Security and later confirmed by the U.S. Coast Guard on Wednesday provide details about these potential signs of life on board the OceanGate Expeditions' submersible.

Although the exact timing of when the Canadian maritime surveillance and patrol aircraft detected the banging sounds was not specified in the obtained emails from Rolling Stone, an email from The Explorers Club, of which one of the submersible's passengers is a member, mentioned that tapping sounds were detected around 2 a.m. local time, implying the possibility of the crew being alive and signaling for help.

"RCC Halifax launched a P8, Poseidon, which has underwater detection capabilities from the air," read the email updates sent to DHS.

"The P8 deployed sonobuoys, which reported a contact in a position close to the distress position. The P8 heard banging sounds in the area every 30 minutes. Four hours later additional sonar was deployed and banging was still heard."

In the ongoing search for the missing Titanic-bound submersible, the U.S. Coast Guard has disclosed that a Canadian P-3 aircraft detected "underwater noises" in the designated search area.

However, the exact timing of when these noises were detected remains unclear.

Following this discovery, a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) was redirected to the vicinity where the sounds were reported. Regrettably, the searches conducted thus far have yielded no significant findings, according to the Coast Guard, New York Post reported.

"The data from the P-3 aircraft has been shared with our U.S. Navy experts for further analysis which will be considered in future search plans," the Guard wrote in the brief update posted on Twitter.

In a statement released on Tuesday night, Richard Garriott, the president of The Explorers Club, conveyed a heightened sense of confidence regarding the potential discovery of the missing vessel. This surge in optimism stems from the recent detection of banging sounds, which has bolstered expectations within the search efforts.

"There is cause for hope, based on data from the field — we understand that likely signs of life have been detected at the site," Garriott said in a statement.

Rescuers are currently engaged in efforts to determine the precise location of the "banging" sounds, but they hold a strong belief that these sounds originated from the same vicinity in the waters of Newfoundland where the Titan submarine and its crew of five disappeared on Sunday morning.

The submersible, carrying OceanGate Expeditions' founder and CEO Stockton Rush, French Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet, British billionaire Hamish Harding, and Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood along with his 19-year-old son, lost contact with its support ship approximately one hour and 45 minutes into its planned 8-hour journey.

It is worth noting that both Nargeolet and Harding are esteemed members of the Explorers Society.

On Tuesday afternoon, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) announced that the crew of the missing submersible likely had only 41 hours of breathable oxygen remaining.

This limited timeframe has intensified the urgency of the ongoing rescue mission.

If the mission proves successful, it would be recognized as the deepest rescue operation ever conducted, given the depths at which the submersible disappeared.

The high stakes and challenging circumstances make this rescue effort particularly noteworthy.

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