Ponytail Stunt Death
Stuntman dies trying to zip line across river in India. Creative Commons/ YouTube Scre

According to reports an Indian stuntman attempting to break a world record by crossing a river on a zip line by hanging only from his ponytail died Sunday.

Police officer Sailendra Nath Roy, 49, had a heart attack as a result of zip lining on a wire suspended nearly 600 feet in the air across the River Teesta in West Bengal, India, according to a Sky News report.

Roy holds the Guinness World Record for covering the longest distance on a zip line while hanging by his hair. Roy achieved the Guinness World Record after covering 271 feet on a zip line while attached by his hair in 2011 in Rajasthan, India. He also used his hair to drag a train on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.

Roy's shoulder-length hair was attached to a pulley on a wire, and he had completed about half the distance when he suddenly stopped. As a crowd looked on in horror, Roy became entangled and could no longer propel himself forward.

"Roy tried frantically to get hold of a second rope to reach the finishing point," senior police officer K Jayaraman told Sky.

After several minutes, Roy stopped moving and was eventually rescued. No medical personnel or ambulance was present during the stunt.

Roy was taken to a nearby hospital, but was declared dead by doctors after a suspected heart attack.

"We were proud of his bravery." Said Roy's younger brother Benoy, who was watching the stunt.

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