A Papa John's employee was arrested Wednesday for using his job as a cover for selling illegal substances. Creative Commons

A Papa John's employee, who is accused of using his job as a cover for selling cocaine, has finally met his end.

His plan for fast cash wasn't as slick as he imagined. Police said Thursday that he had made 19 sales to undercover cops since 2011, according to the Associated Press.

His modus operandi included hiding stashes of cocaine in pizza boxes, a tactic that got him in trouble Wednesday night when he used a pizza box to conceal a kilo of cocaine he sold to an undercover officer in front of the Brooklyn pizza shop where he worked, Gawker reported.

The bag he sold to officers was worth $27,500, according to NBC News. He wore his uniform during sales, police said.

New York police found $4,500 in Ramon Rodriguez's, 45, home.

He is being charged with multiple counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance and one count of criminal possession of a controlled substance. A small bag of cocaine was found in his car.

Rodriguez apparently did not operate alone as police arrested a second suspect, Jonathan Martinez, the same night for dealing drugs. It is alleged that Martinez sold 40 grams of cocaine for $1,200 to an undercover officer to undercover police in a Nov. 2011 meeting that Rodriguez set up.

Information on the future of this case, including attorneys, was not immediately available to reporters.

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