Legendary soccer player Pelé attends a FIFA event. Reuters

The iconic former footballer Pelé gave a pleasant surprise to the members of One Direction when he made an appearance on screens at Morumbi stadium in São Paulo, before the band left the stage. The famous athlete garnered the attention of the attendees for a few minutes to express his admiration for the music of the British pop band and used to make a proposal. He said he was a big fan of the group and asked if he could one day join them onstage!

Pelé gushed "I admire and love you. I play guitar and I'm sure that one day we will make music together. I'm not interested in playing football at this point, but I want us to play the guitar, right?" He said in a video and revealed that he also enjoyed the show. From that moment on there has been speculation that the former footballer is already in talks with agents for One Direction for a musical collaboration. Pelé also tipped Brazil to win the World Cup.

An unnamed source told the UK's 'Daily Mirror' that “Pele does a lot of work for charity and is keen to make this happen. He is an enthusiastic amateur musician and genuinely excited about the prospect of playing guitar with Niall. At the moment a list of potential dates and venues are being discussed but it is looking likely that this will happen. Obviously the boys say they are happy to wear the Brazil shirts in return." One Direction has not commented on the rumor.

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