The Swiss-born niece of terrorist and 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden has openly backed the lawmakers who are defending the Capitol insurrectionists on Wednesday, April 6, as she continues to show support towards Trump and other conservatives.

During an interview with Steve Bannon on Real America’s Voice, the Swiss-born 35-year-old Noor bin Ladin praised Congressmen Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz as well as Senator Ron Johnson for their defense of the Capitol insurrectionists who were arrested, according to the New York Post.

Bin Ladin, whose family spells their last name differently from the infamous terrorist mastermind, has accused lawmakers of not caring about the plight of the insurrectionists who have been imprisoned, whom she called “patriots” on the radio program.

“This is traitor-level, in my opinion, that those who are supposed to represent the citizens are failing,” she said. “We can be really grateful for representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene, [Matt] Gaetz, Sen. Ron Johnson … [they are] among the handful defending and standing up and speaking about these political prisoners.”

This is not the first time that bin Ladin has defended the Jan. 6 insurrectionists who attempted to stop the certification of the vote in the Capitol. During a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Joe Biden, she waved a “Trump won” flag in a yacht in Lake Geneva in protest of Biden’s visit and treatment of the insurrectionists, Business Insider reported.

“Protesting on lake Geneva was not only about standing for election integrity, but also about standing with those who have been unjustly arrested for defending the truth since ⅙,” bin Ladin tweeted at the time.

Now, she has also sent a letter to the United Nations that decries the reported unfair treatment of the imprisoned rioters, which she has also published in a blog online. She has published it in an attempt to call out the supposed “UN’s hypocrisy and the abuses of the U.S. government” in the matter.

“It’s so shocking to see they are being presumed guilty and have to be proven innocent,” she said. “This entire insurrection narrative is a hoax … I’ll keep saying it, this wasn’t an insurrection, it was an entrapment operation.”

Noor bin Ladin, the Swiss-born niece of terrorist and 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden, has come out in support of the U.S. lawmakers who are asking for better treatment for the imprisoned Jan. 6 insurrectionists. David M. Benett/Getty Images.

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