Once Upon a Time
"Once Upon a Time" season 6 spoilers, news, rumors and more. ABC

Two more classic Disney characters will arrive on ABC's hit-series "Once Upon a Time" around its midseason reports Entertainment Weekly. According to the website Jonathan Whitesell and Kacey Rohl have been tapped to play Hercules and Megara in episode 13, "Labor of Love," which will air after the new year.

As per TVLine Hercules is described as, "a dashing, strapping young man” who is “single-minded in his pursuit of his destiny: to be the greatest hero who ever lived. All that changes however, when he falls in love with a beautiful princess."

While Megara is described as a, "a plucky young adventurer with a sly sense of humor and a tough, no-nonsense spirit. And though she has spent a long time languishing in a dungeon, her inner spark has not burned out. Rather, it is waiting for the right opportunity to shine brightly again."

Whitesell and Rohl are currently only scheduled to appear in one episode of "OUAT," but that doesn't mean they won't reprise their roles in future seasons.

This news comes hot off the heels that "Ally McBeal's" Greg Germann will recur this spring as "The Distinguished Gentleman," which many have speculated is code for Hades.

Meanwhile, "Once Upon a Time" co-creator and executive producer Adam Horowitz confirmed via Twitter that Bailee Madison will also return to the series as Young Snow White.

"Once Upon a Time" airs Sundays at 8:00 p.m. ET on ABC.

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