Tonight is an all-new episode of "Once Upon a Time" on ABC and we'll hopefully learn more about Merlin's past in "Dreamcatcher." In last weeks episode "The Broken Kingdom" we learned a lot about Camelot's past, much needed details about the Arthur (Liam Garrigan), Guinevere (Joana Metrass), Lancelot (Sinqua Walls) love triangle and a deceitful deal made with the previous Dark One, Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle).
In a sneak peek clip we see that in Storybrooke Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) vows to help Violet (Olivia Steele) find her missing horse and goes to an unlikely source for help. Meanwhile, a second sneak peek clip shows Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Gold discussing her plans for excalibur and the Dark Ones pull before Merida (Amy Manson) is called to take Gold to the woods and turn him into the hero he's suppose to be.
The episode synopsis for "Dreamcatcher" reads: "In Camelot, as Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) and David (Josh Dallas) attempt to retrieve the Dark One dagger, Emma uses a dreamcatcher to look into the past to see how Merlin was transformed into a tree. Together, Emma and Regina (Lana Parrilla) figure out the critical ingredient they must acquire to free Merlin, but it's a race against Arthur, who does not want Merlin released. Meanwhile, with encouragement from his moms, Henry musters up the courage to ask Violet on a date. Back in Storybrooke, the heroes break into Emma's house hoping to locate Gold, but what they find will give them a glimpse of Emma's end game. Far from prying eyes, Merida sets about the mission Emma has tasked her with and begins molding Gold into the hero they need to draw Excalibur."
"OUAT," "Dreamcatcher" will air Sunday, Oct. 25 at 8:00 p.m. EDT on ABC and will be available the next day on abc.com, iTunes, Hulu, Amazon and more. ABC does offer a live stream service via its website so if you do not own a TV you can view your favorite programs on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
If all else fails you can watch the episode, "Dreamcatcher," live here, here and here.
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