Once Upon a Time
When and where to watch "Once Upon a Time" episode four, "The Broken Kingdom." ABC

Tonight is an all-new episode of "Once Upon a Time" on ABC and we are dying to know what King Arthur (Liam Garrigan) plans are for our heroes. If you recall in last weeks episode "Seige Perilous" we learned that the King of Camelot is not as much of a good guy as we first suspected.

A few sneak peek previews were revealed the first of which shows Emma (Jennifer Morrison) hearing whispers that lead her to the Dark One's dagger. Emma tries to take the dagger only to learn Regina (Lana Parrilla) has cursed it. In another clip we see Emma drained of energy surrounded by her friends. Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) and Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) decide to take her to a safe place while Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming (Josh Dallas) argue about telling Arthur the truth.

The synopsis for "The Broken Kingdom" reads: "After receiving a cryptic warning from Lancelot about Arthur's intentions, Mary Margaret realizes Arthur may be the heroes' biggest threat, but when she is unable to convince David of the danger, she takes matters into her own hands. Meanwhile, Hook's unwavering love for Emma provides a glimmer of hope in her struggle against the unrelenting voice of Rumplestiltskin. In a Camelot flashback, Guinevere senses that Arthur is losing his way, consumed by his obsession with making Excalibur whole, so she sets out with Lancelot on her own quest into the heart of darkness. In Storybrooke, Dark Emma unleashes a secret weapon in the next phase of her plan to find the brave soul she needs to draw Excalibur from the stone."

Guest stars include Sinqua Walls as Lancelot, Amy Manson as Merida, Andrew Jenkins as Percival, Joana Metrass as Guinevere, Olivia Steele Falconer as Violet, Webb Hayes as Young Arthur, Ehren Kassam as Young Kay and Dalila Bela as Young Guinevere.

"OUAT," "The Broken Kingdom" will air Sunday, Oct. 18 at 8:00 p.m. EDT on ABC and will be available the next day on ABC's website, iTunes, Hulu, Amazon and more. ABC does offer a live stream service via its website so if you do not own a TV you can view your favorite programs on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

If all else fails you can watch the episode, "The Broken Kingdom," live here, here and here.

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