OJ SImpson
O.J. Simpson is pictured during better days for the former NFL running back. Creative Commons

O.J. Simpson has gone from a standout wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills, to a man put on trial for murder and later acquitted to an upbeat prisoner in a Nevada jail who hopes to be out soon so that he can go on tour nationwide.

Simpson was sent to prison after an incident in which he burst into a Las Vegas hotel room demanding memorabilia from a collector. Recently, the Juice has again returned to the courtroom, claiming that his former lawyer, Yale Galanter, botched his previous proceedings which landed him in the slammer.

A markedly chubbier Simpson, grinning ear-to-ear despite being shackled as he was led into court recently, has likely been the first public sighting of Simpson since he ended up in jail. The New York Post reported that after a series of conversations with the Juice, they said he plans to go on a speaking tour once he is released: a possibility he hopes is very likely.





In expressing his hope for imminent release, he offered words of praise for his case's new judge, Linda Marie Bell, which simultaneously criticized his former magistrate, Judge Jackie Glass, for becoming a television personality after sentencing him to time in prison for over three decades: "I like Judge Bell: she's not trying to be a movie star. She is straightforward...so I feel I'll get a fair shake," Simpson told the Post.

In regards to his speaking tour, O.J. Simpson said that race likely played a part in his sentencing, a point he will bring up on his proposed circuit: "I feel like I'm back in the [19]50s-a black man in a white justice system." Despite his claims of racism, Simpson admitted that a former cellmate, who Simpson accused of being a white supremacist, became one of his closest mentors in prison.

The unidentified cellmate reportedly gave Simpson legal advice and spurred him on to claim that Galanter had indeed ruined his chance for a second acquittal, according to Simpson's former promoter, Norman Pardo.

His most recent cellmate, only known as 'Skip', reportedly acts as a 'butler' for Simpson, according to the Post. Skip reportedly keeps the portly NFL veteran in shape physically as a personal trainer, and even cooks for the former athlete and actor.

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