There have been several intelligence reports, claiming that China had delayed in relaying the spread of coronavirus, made those who blew its cover disappear, and even refused to provide samples of the virus to scientists in the West. And now, as per a leaked database, from a Chinese military-run university, there is a possibility that the number of coronavirus cases in China i.e., 80,000 is much higher than the nation claims- it had at least 640,000 COVID-19 cases.

The database, by China’s National University of Defense Technology, backs the claims that the nation’s Communist government hid the outbreak and robbed the world of precious time which may have aided in the battle against the pandemic. As per the leaked report, there have been more than 640,000 rows of cases in 230 cities of China from early February to April.

While the Chinese Communist Party continues to claim that the death toll in the nation is under 5,00 and the number of cases close to 83,000, the international authority considers these figures fake as the US scientists are not allowed to visit the country to study to the virus.

Just last week, the suspicion of China not being honest about the pandemic further rose when the coronavirus death toll in the Chinese city of Wuhan — where the global outbreak supposedly originated — was revised. It was increased from 2,579 to 3,869 fatalities — i.e., by 50 percent. The number of cases also jumped from 325 to 50,333. Enlarge Image

And as per the leaked reports, there have been multiple locations like hospitals, restaurants, schools, etc, which have been marked as places where a COVID-19 case was found. But the university’s online infection tracker is rather vague and only shows a map of cases.

The US health officials had been requesting China for this very information to understand the pandemic but the Chinese government continuously deny to share it.

“It can serve as a valuable trove of information for epidemiologists and public health experts around the globe — a dataset that Beijing has almost certainly not shared with US officials or doctors,” the Foreign Policy article states.

China Coronavirus COVID-19
An elderly woman arrives in an ambulance to Wuhan Red Cross Hospital after being transferred from another hospital after recovering from the COVID-19 coronavirus in Wuhan on March 30, 2020. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images

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