The creators of a popular Venezuelan animated series which mocks Nicolás Maduro have presented another parody of the Venezuelan president, this time in the form of a fake “Facebook movie.” The new parody, from the group Chiguire Bipolar (whose name means “bipolar capybara” -- an animal emblematic of Venezuela -- in English) uses the Facebook movie application to wax poetic. But its humor this time around has more of a kick than “La Isla Presidencial” (“The Presidential Island”), the series which grew to such heights of popularity across Latin America that Maduro himself mentioned it in a speech. Watch the video below.
"Very poorly done, very bad," Maduro said in August of the series, which in press comments appeared to have pleased creators Oswaldo Graziani and Juan Andrés Ravell. "It isn't my face, nor my moustache, nor my voice. The characters] are out of shape and plus, they make me out to be really ignorant. I'm not ignorant like that, or fat. They call me ‘the fat guy’ [in the series]." The Facebook parody is less outlandish than that of the cabezudo heads of state.
One frame refers to the photos -- some doctored and others not -- as “photos you took while you were running the country into the ground”, and mixes verbal gaffes with his call for the country’s consumer-protection agency to “leave nothing on the shelves” in its confiscation of an electronics store’s goods after he accused it of speculation. The creators also included a caption reminding viewers of the late Hugo Chavez’s longstanding antipathy to social media and eventual about-face on it. Maduro’s administration has embraced it far more zealously.
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