Still image of an abandoned newborn baby boy seen in a sewage pipe following his rescue in Jinhua city.
Still image of an abandoned newborn baby boy seen in a sewage pipe following his rescue in Jinhua city. Reuters

UPDATE: The baby rescued for the sewage pipe who is being identified as "Baby No. 59" is now resting comfortably in stable health in a hospital in Jinhua city, eastern China. A 22-year-old single woman who alerted the authorities of a newborn boy trappedin the pipe has admitted that she was the mother, but had refused to come forward because she could not support the child.

A newborn baby was rescued by firefighters from a sewer pipe in a apartment complex after being flushed away by parents.

According to Daily Mail, the infant baby was found to be stuck directly underneath a specific toilet. Abandoned newborn babies in China is becoming an incessant issue, the problem is attributed to young mothers becoming unknowingly pregnant and giving birth. Within China's strict cultural family planning ideals, Chinese society places more value on a male rather than a female, and young unwanted babies are then discarded of.

The latest case occurred on Saturday in a residential apartment building in Jinhua, which is located in the wealthy coastal community of Zhejiang. The newborn was discovered after neighbors reported hearing a baby's cry come from the sewer pipe. The pipe is described as being a mere 4 inches wide in diameter, by the China Daily newspaper.

Firefighters located the site of the newborn baby and had to remove the pipe from the building and transported the baby still inside the pipe to the hospital, from there doctors had to work carefully to remove the rest of the pipe to free the baby boy from inside.

Doctors worked against the clock to free the newborn, the pipe was so small, that his arms had be pinned to his side. When the doctors did release him from the tight confines of the pipe, he let out a long wail. According to ABC News, the baby is believed to be two days old, when firefighters first discovered him he was suffering from low heart rate and labored breathing. He was also covered in the filth from the sewer pipe, as well, as a number of bruises to his head, arms and legs.

Doctors at the Pujiang People's Hospital, said that the baby boy who is now being identified as "Baby No. 59" due to his incubator number, was in stable condition with his heart rate stabilizing and his breathing was much smoother.

Police did state that they are looking for the baby's relatives and they "seem" to have found the baby's parents but have refused to say anything more.

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