New Year’s Eve is a time to let go of the past and embrace the future, and with the coming of 2015, many are looking forward to possibly their best and most exciting year! At the end of each year we reflect upon what we learned that year and who we are now as we prepare for a fresh start and of course that dazzling ball drop in Times Square, but wouldn’t it be amazing if we good have a head’s up or a sneak peek at what was set to occur in the pervious year? Well this year you can because for 2015 Astrology.com is provided full yearly horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac in order to let everyone know what to expect in the New Year! Check out the brief overviews for all 12 zodiac signs listed below, and be sure to head on over to Astrology.com for the full predictions including what to expect in your love life and even your career!
There is a huge plot change for you this year, Capricorn. Your ruling planet, Saturn has been navigating the dark and fixed waters of Scorpio for the past two plus years, teaching you everything there is to know about deep feelings, letting go and resourcefulness. You've been putting a tremendous amount of energy into your career and life goals and committing to the long haul. This has served your career well. The only downside is that you've been a bit all work and no play, dear. You're so ready for a serious break and more you-time in 2015. Saturn will now spend the next few years in your sector of sleep, escapism and retreat. Cultivate as much time in your daily schedule for soul time, zoning out and tuning into your dreams as possible. This summer, Saturn will dip back into your house of goals and social networking between June and September. Use this time to finalize any loose ends or revamp any of your bigger schemes that still feel clunky. This year brings the final of seven Pluto-Uranus squares in March. You've been on a crash course of growth, evolution and power for the past few years. Actually, this intense metamorphosis began in 2008 when Pluto first entered your sign. You have until 2024 to go for the final transformation, but this could be one of the most pivotal of all in terms of a huge growth surge. You're truly stepping into your power and determination to build work and relationships that last. Integrity is where it's at, as always.
You're like the horse (Ram) ready to break out of the gate this year, Aries! The cosmic taskmaster has finally moved on from the underworld sector of your horoscope giving you a break from all of the painful inner work of facing your demons. You've literally been to hell and back since 2012. You've faced your darkest fears, delved into your deepest insecurities and uncovered the most complex layers of your sexuality. Now you're ready for a breath of fresh air. 2015 is about breaking new ground and reconnecting with your spiritual path in a new way. Enough wallowing in the darkness. Travel beckons and you will be reworking your entire philosophy and worldview while seeking important mentors and guides. Only those with tried-and-true experience and wisdom will do. You have a discerning eye when it comes to whom you will allow into your sacred world in 2015. You've learned the hard way what it means to be too trusting in that naive Aries way. This doesn't mean you have to lose your innocence. On the contrary, you'll be reconnecting with your childlike spirit more than ever before. This is the year to get back in touch with your strength so that your inner kid feels totally safe and free to express with wild abandon. Creativity and work has never felt so compelling and rewarding as it will this year -- especially during the second half of the year.
Ruts be damned -- you're going to break that rusty cage this year, Taurus! 2015 is all about releasing the dross from your life so that you can embrace some glorious new horizons. Letting go is your least favorite endeavor, and yet you've nearly achieved mastery when it comes to non-attachment in your relationships. You've been there and done that when it comes to enduring the pain that ensues from clinging too tightly. You're learning to appreciate what you have in the moment, count your blessings and stay present in the gratitude of what is rather than what was or what could be. This is a year to make your existing structures stronger and expand on your fabulous vision. Magic is yours for the making in 2015! This is also a year for reconnecting to your roots of strength and creativity in preparation for a steamy little romantic cycle that kicks off this August. Pleasure and love are yours in great abundance from late summer until well into 2016, so savor every second! This good fortune in your love department comes but once every 12 years, so you don't want to miss it by remaining stuck in your loyal zone of duty and responsibility. Give yourself permission to break free for those late summer months to truly indulge in the goodness that life insists on delivering in a major way.
Double hurray, all of that diligence and handwork is totally paying off in 2015, Gemini. You've fought your way through enough bumps and bruises on the road to success over the past few years, and now you're ready to truly claim your foothold and take your vision to the next level. The cosmic taskmaster is finally taking a break from your work and health zone and will only come back for brief audit and finalization this summer (June-September). So go ahead and spend the first half of the year pursuing excellent collaborations and stellar people to partner with. The other sweet news is that life isn't going to be more of that all work and no play non-sense. Relationships of the romantic variety will take priority in 2015 as well. You're learning and re-learning the art of partnering. This requires quality-time and attention; good boundaries, reciprocity and the ever elusive balance of self and other. One of your strongest assets in 2015 (if not always) is your mind. The difference this year is your knack for large-scale dreaming. You're totally a creative visionary as the New Year begins and that powerful and exuberant influence will push you to new heights for the first half of 2015. Jupiter, the planet of luck, abundance and the big picture continues to light up the zone of your horoscope ruling your mind, communication, siblings and daily interactions. This makes life more playful and joyful with childlike enthusiasm all around. The only caveat is that Jupiter will be retrograde until April, so you may want to wait until spring to launch your biggest-of-the-big-shot projects, Gemini.
The year starts off with quite a turbulent bang, Cancer! To call the onset of 2015 emotionally loaded is an understatement. The good news is that the last of the seven Uranus-Pluto squares will culminate this March. You've reached the final stage of the evolutionary push with Self, career, family and relationships, Cancer. You've certainly had every nerve and sensitivity tested over the past few years. Home and career continue to be your major areas of focus due to the strong Nodal activity in your 4th (domestic) and 10th (professional) sectors through the end of the year. This is the year to put down some serious roots. Home is definitely where your heart is, and this year you're determined to find or make your dream domicile. The full Moon lunar eclipse hits the bottom of your chart this April, so expect that to be the extreme catalyst to push you onward if you haven't made your big move by then. Saturn is finally finishing up his work in your love, children and creativity domain this fall. He'll be back for a brief checkup and finalization, and much of your attention will be on your daily schedule and rituals, and finding some kind of magical alchemy between your work and health. You have a tendency to work, work, work and then crash and not want to leave the house for days. This year you will find some boundaries and structure around routines thanks to the presence of the cosmic taskmaster, Saturn, taking up residence in your Sixth House of responsibilities. There's a nice electric push this March in your career zone when Mars and Uranus meet up to make for something unexpected and immediate. If you've been feeling stuck or stagnant on a professional level, you'll adore this innovative surge of new energy to open up the channels of creativity.
The royal treatment continues, Leo! You still have the glorious power of Jupiter in your sign for the first half of the 2015, so go ahead and rock that joie de vivre that you rock so well. As sad as it may seem to part ways with the generous abundance of the big jovial planet in your sign this summer, you can take comfort knowing that the second half of the year will bring you luck and abundance in the financial department. It's a win-win all the way around for you this year, Leo. The other positive shift is Saturn finally moving out of the basement of your horoscope after a few years of family sludge. You've had your fill of the heavy feeling in your gut that showed up at the end of 2012 and has found a way to both anchor if not depress you for the past few years. Family, domestic issues or loss that have weighed heavy are starting to lift now. The new phase of Saturn is bringing attention to your house of pleasure, love and creativity. Now that's not a bad thing to take seriously. It's also your house of children, so if you've been considering having a child or giving birth to a new creative project, this could be the year that you truly commit your time and energy to making it a reality.
Your star is totally rising in 2015, Virgo! Although you will have to be patient until the se-cond half of the year for the real fabulousness to kick in, it's so worth the wait. Jupiter enters your sign in August (for the first time in 12 years) and it's totally worth waiting for! Plus, it gives you plenty of time to do your favorite thing: prepare, prepare, prepare. Use the first half of 2015 to work and rework your dreams and long-term vision. All of the mental focus and contraction of the past few years is going to pay off in substantial ways in your career. Lucky Jupiter is bringing some amazing expansion, opportunity and recognition your way this summer for an extended period (all the way through the middle of 2016). Since you're more of a planner than a risk-taker by nature, this new phase will break you open to embracing all kinds of new adventures. Of course you'll still need your hermit time, especially during the first part of the year. However, when you are out in the world, expect to be seen and celebrated in a major way. You're grounded in truth and you've worked on your communication skills hardcore over the past few years, now 2015 is your chance for the big launch. Just note that you'll have maximum power and presence after August, so use the first six months to get all of your ducks in a row, Virgo-style. You can never be too organized and ready!
Relationships and communication are the top two headlining contenders for your life script in 2015, Libra. You will continue to have the North Node of Fate in your stars for one more year. This is a cosmic and evolutionary push to do your Libra balancing lessons, and to do them well. It's easy to feel hopelessly obsessed with relationships and partnering, regardless of whether you're in a tryst or not. All relationship dynamics will continue to take up the majority of your energy and attention this year as the 'hall of mirrors' theme takes you to the next level of self-discovery. Seeing yourself through the lens of the other is all well and good unless you give away your power and then cease to connect to your own source of beauty and wholeness. The dance between independence and dependence can be dizzying at this point, but it's how you're being stretched to your max, discovering what you're truly made of. Yet more monumental changes are on their way again after April when a total lunar eclipse hits your stars. It will take a full six months (your birthday is a good marker) before all of the effects from this dramatically altering event are revealed. Eclipses in your own sign only happen but once every 19 years, so trust that this radical time has come to wake you up to something you've never seen before. Life becomes infinitely and beautifully new. The other great news is that the final (seventh) Uranus square Pluto initiations happen this March. You're totally coming into you own on all four levels in 2015: self, relationships, home and career.
This year could not have come fast enough, Scorpio! You're finally breaking out of the dark tunnel of transformation that seemed to last for an eternity. Instead of feeling like a ghost in your own life, you're going to reincarnate into greatness. Saturn is almost finished with your stars for good, minus one last tune-up this summer (June to September). The overall theme takes a dramatic turn from all of the loss, letting go and rebirth. This new phase is about breaking free from the limitations of fear, darkness and insecurity. You have certainly been to hell and back, Scorpio, and now you're ready for a serious reprieve from all of the heaviness that started back at the end of 2012. This is the true and radical new beginning you've been waiting for. Enough with feeling exhausted, depleted and anxious; you're ready to return to life with wild abandon. You're totally blessed to redefine yourself from scratch and emerge as the powerful Phoenix you are, darling. You're ready to soar over exciting new landscapes of your own choosing. 2015 is here to restore your faith in life, humanity and most importantly yourself. Your inner gypsy is at the ready, and travel is your medicine. Having Jupiter shining brightly at the top of your chart for the first half of the year will bring plenty of of opportunities to combine creativity with worldly experience. You're definitely on a quest for meaning and truth.
You were born to be wild, Sagittarius, and this year you'll be back in your favored rambunctious saddle. After surviving the past few years of feeling pent up, frustrated and in the longest darkest, tunnel of the unknown, you're so ready to break on through to the other side. To say it's a totally new you is no exaggeration. You've been shedding layers upon layers of your old, false self in order to make room for this glorious and powerful firebrand now emerging from the shadows. Give yourself time to really grow into this new skin. You still have this year to tweak your image and new approach to life and love. Saturn will back out of your sign between June and September, creating a break in the action of your ongoing self-reinvention process. Considering the level of total metamorphosis you've undergone, it would make sense that you may need to go back and recover a few missing or forgotten pieces of your old self to integrate into the new package. Plus, the summer will bring you back to any unfinished emotional business that started in 2012. This is your last chance to say goodbye, and part on terms that you can live with for the next 30 years. Take your time and be sure you're not walking away with any residual resentment or regret. This is your year to skyrocket and you don't want any emotional baggage standing between you and your utter fiery fabulousness.
The pressure is finally easing up in 2015, Aquarius. Saturn has been working you hard since 2012, by making a very hard angle to your stars. You may feel a bit beaten down, but all the more strong and mature as a result. You can bid farewell to the constant testing and hardships that you've braved and conquered. This year is finally bringing the fruits for all of the arduous labor you've so devotedly mastered. You've been laying down powerful career foundations that you can build on in the new year, Water Bearer. Every level of your integrity has been tested, and you've earned the respect from both friends and colleagues. You will continue to master boundaries and owning your authority this year. It's all about working that status, baby! You've kept your eye on the prize, and in 2015 you're so close you can practically reach out and grab it. Your social and love life may have had to take a backseat in 2014, but this year you've got Jupiter taking a stronger role in the relationship department without the overshadowing of Saturn. Luck comes through partners or partnerships until August. 'Partner like a rockstar' is the motto of Jupiter in Leo in your relationship zone. The one caveat to the moving- on-moving forward-adios-Saturn-story is when the Cosmic Taskmaster moves back into your career zone for one final cleanup job in June. You'll have the entire summer to get your career in tip-top shape, Aquarius. Once you get into mid-September, it's on to the bigger and better horizons of long-term goals, expansive collaborations and high flying.
Get ready for love, romance and glamour galore in 2015, Pisces. You've got so much going for you in the realm of partnering and fusion. Neptune continues to bring the special sparkle to your sign (that began in 2012). You're an irresistible sexy siren with the added bonus of Jupiter in your opposite sign starting this August. You can this power to your own discernment, dear. You have enough magic to go solo, if you so choose. If you have been having trouble-cutting cords with someone or something on the toxic side, this new phase starting in August will help you to get clear on making the break. If it's not in your highest interest, it doesn't belong, and it wont' stay. Relationships are definitely highlighted with Jupiter in your polar opposite constellation, but that encompasses all of your significant one-to-ones. Your tendency is to merge, but Jupiter brings the wisdom to hold your own while choosing your companionship carefully. Virgo is the sign of picky discrimination, so you're less likely to see your beloved through the typical Neptunian rose-colored glasses once this new phase kicks in this summer.
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