A babysitter from North Carolina has been arrested on Friday, Oct. 29, after the parents of the toddler she was looking after caught her on camera force-feeding the child and doing what appeared to be child abuse behavior on the infant.
Lauren Ashley Rowe, from New Bern, North Carolina, was seen pulling the infant boy’s hands back and attempting to loop them around as she attempted to force-feed him pot pie while he was screaming, according to the New Bern Sun Journal.
The parents have said that there is at least two hours’ worth of footage where Rowe was force-feeding the baby. The police arrested her on charges of misdemeanor child abuse.
“You don't expect it to happen to yours,” Max Oglesby, father of the baby, said about the incident. “She was recommended to my wife on a Facebook group for New Bern moms. She's got a check on freaking care.com. I feel like we took the right steps.”
The Oglesby parents were working at a bar and were over an hour away when they first checked the footage. They saw the Rowe incident live, and reportedly called the baby’s grandmother to care for the baby and relieve Rowe of her position, Law&Order reported.
Rowe was aware when she entered the contract as the nanny of the Oglesby family that she would be watched via the nanny cam on occasion. The baby sustained bruising on one of his arms.
The Oglesby family posted the clip on Facebook, as a way of warning Rowe’s possible future clients of her alleged child abuse. The video has been watched at least 100,000 times on Facebook.
“We put it out there because if people didn’t know, they would still hire her,” Max Oglesby said. “We have that on video where she admits that to whoever she was talking to saying: ‘If we didn’t control our 2-year-old, he would walk all over us.’”
Several weeks’ worth of footage was given to the police in order to find more incidents of alleged abuse that can be used against Rowe in her trial.
Rowe has been released on a $2,500 bond. Her next court date is on Nov. 8.

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