Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
Former Florida Rep. and Senate candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Debbie Mucarsel-Powell campaign

One week after launching a "75 Stop Tour" to push her bid to flip Florida's senate seat, Democratic candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is intensifying her campaign against incumbent Republican Senator Rick Scott even more with the launch of a TV ad around the theme of "freedom".

"I grew up under a dictatorship before coming to the U.S." begins the ad, referring to Mucarsel-Powell's childhood in her native Ecuador. "For me, freedom isn't just a political slogan, it's why I came to America"

She then goes on to take several jabs at Senator Scott, claiming he's exploiting the "trauma" of those who fled despotism in their homelands in Latin America:

"Rick Scott is trying to take away your freedoms right now. For women, banning abortion. For families, raising taxes. And for seniors, ending social security and the freedom to retire with dignity. If you care about freedom, elect a senator who actually believes in it."

Mucarsel-Powell is pulling out all the stops as she continues to poll neck-in-neck with Scott, especially in places like Miami. According to a Florida Politics survey earlier this month, Scott holds a 1-point edge over the Democrat among Miami-Dade voters.

However, in Florida as a whole, Mucarsel-Powell still trails Scott by 7 points, according to another poll, this one by the Florida Chamber of Commerce. The incumbent also holds a stronghold within his party, enjoying the backing of 88% of Republicans in Florida. He also boasts the backing of 51% of no-party voters, while just 40% plan to vote for his Democratic challenger.

Mucarsel-Powell's "75 Stop Tour" is a significant part of her campaign strategy, with the tour's name referencing the 75 times Scott invoked the Fifth Amendment during a fraud investigation. During a stop in Miami, Mucarsel-Powell emphasized Scott's attempts to repeal Obamacare, cut social security and Medicare, and restrict reproductive rights, issues she has consistently highlighted in her campaign.

"That will stop in November because we are going to protect our care," Mucarsel-Powell said." We are going to protect our benefits. We are going to work on bringing companies that will invest in our state that will create good paying jobs like solar panels. We are the Sunshine state,"

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