Miss Argentina
Miss Argentina, Valentina Ferrer, among the finalists of the National Costume competition. Will she win? You decide by voting! Facebook/ Miss Universe

There’s a lot of hype surrounding Miss Universe this year. Our wait is finally over as the day of the pageant approaches. Contestants from all over the world have been in Miami, where the competition will take place, for the past month, getting ready, interviewing with judges, attending different activities hosted by the sponsors of the show, and even competing in categories like the National Costume competition. On Wednesday, January 21, the 88 girls representing their countries fought to get the judges’ attention with a costume representing the land they come from.

With very colorful designs, some that looked straight out of a Victoria’s Secret meets “carnaval” runway, and other outfits a bit more out there (a Virgin Mary, a hockey scoreboard, a queen…), the candidates made sure all eyes were on them and the judges have their picks. This year, the competition became more interactive. The judges chose their Top 5: Argentina, Germany, Canada, India and Indonesia. Now it’s up for the viewers to choose their favorite costume, which they can do via Twitter.

So how does it work? Easy, take a look at your favorite contestant from the Top 5 chosen by the judges, then, go to your Twitter account, that must be set to “public” and submit a tweet with the hashtag #MissUniverse and #MissUniverse[CountryName]. For example, if you’re voting for Miss Argentina, you would have to submit a tweet with the hashtags #MissUniverse and #MissUniverseArgentina. If you’re voting for Miss Germany, you will have to tweet #MissUniverse and #MissUniverseGermany. For Miss Indonesia, the hashtag is #MissUniverseIndonesia along with the #MissUniverse tag. Miss Canada gets #MissUniverseCanada and #MissUniverse and Miss India gets #MissUniverseIndia and yes, #MissUniverse.

According to the official rules, that you can read HERE, voting is open to anyone with a valid Twitter account, who is 13 years of age or older. Voting began on January 22, 2015 at 3 PM ET and will close during the live airing of the 2014 Miss Universe Competition on January 25, 2015 at 9:45 PM ET. Only votes that are received during the Voting Period will be counted. Be sure to use the correct spelling of the full country name (Argentina, Canada, India, Indonesia, Germany) as misspellings will not be counted. Hashtags are not case-sensitive. If a tweet contains multiple country names, only the first one will be counted. Re-tweets will be accepted as votes for the Twitter ID that re-tweets and, there is a limit of 10 votes per Twitter account ID.

Miss Argentina
Valentina Ferrer, Miss Universe Argentina 2014, is a finalist in the Miss Universe National Costume Fan Vote. Her costume represents one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Iguazú Falls. The impressive gown is covered with glossy stones that resemble Iguazú Falls rocks and water. Facebook/ Miss Universe
Miss Canada
Chanel Beckenlehner, Miss Universe Canada 2014, is a finalist in the Miss Universe National Costume Fan Vote. Her costume pays respect to the sport of Ice Hockey. There is no greater force that unifies Canadians than hockey. It brings together communities and it teaches our children the meaning of dedication to sport and teamwork. Facebook/ Miss Universe
Miss Germany
Josefin Donat, Miss Universe Germany 2014, is a finalist in the Miss Universe National Costume Fan Vote. Germany's costume is dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Coming from East Germany, her and her family were really affected by the fall of the wall. Facebook/ Miss Universe
Miss India
Noyonita Lodh, Miss Universe India 2014, is a finalist in the Miss Universe National Costume Fan Vote. India's costume represents Indian women in full glory and exquisiteness. Red remains the core symbol of power, spirituality and commitment. Facebook/ Miss Universe
Miss Indonesia
Elvira Devinamira, Miss Universe Indonesia 2014, is a finalist in the Miss Universe National Costume Fan Vote. Indonesia's costume comes from Central Java and depicts the UNESCO World Heritage Site, The Borobudur Temple. The temple was built with the concept of promoting and establishing serene spiritual living. Facebook/ Miss Universe

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