Mindy McCready
After Mindy McCready was found dead on Sunday in her home, family and friends are thinking that the country singer should have been in rehab.

Mindy McCready's alarming suicide, just a month after her boyfriend David Wilson's death, is raising a number of questions, including whether the singer was abusing drugs, alcohol and prescription drugs.

After McCready's boyfriend was found dead in their Heber Springs, Ark., home on Jan. 14, family and friends became panicked that the country singer who was -- or wasn't -- involved in Wilson's death had been spiraling out of control.

Police believed that Wilson's gunshot wounds were self-inflicted, but because McCready had a troubled past -- including countless arrests -- the press didn't buy it.

In a "Dateline" episode that has now gone viral, Andrea Canning pummelled Mindy McCready with difficult questions.

"For the record, did you kill David? Did you shoot David?"

"Oh my God, no. Oh my God, no. He was my life," McCready, who had a baby with Wilson, responded. "We were each other's life."

She denied reports that Wilson had an affair. But McCready admitted that she wasn't sure if the gunshots were self-inflicted by Wilson or someone else, simply saying, "I don't know."

After a few arrests in 2005, which included falsifying a prescription, identity theft, driving while intoxicated and without a license, fans felt McCready was cascading toward a mental and physical breakdown.

In 2010, McCready's fans became panicked again after the singer suffered a seizure during her time on VH1's "Celebrity Rehab."

Appearing on the show because of her unhealthy relationships, the singer told CBSNews.com: "The show saved my life. There's no doubt about it. I was meant to be on that show."

But one day, when talking to her roommate Mackenzie Phillips, the singer suffered a horrible seizure. The press immediately linked the seizure to alcohol and drug use, but McCready claimed it was spurred by "a head injury from an ex-boyfriend" who "beat her."

After her seizure, McCready and Phillips, who also suffered from drug addiction, became close friends.

"Mac and I are going to be friends forever," McCready said. "We immediately bonded the first day I was there."

"When I would drink before it was because I was upset. It was because I was hurting and I was looking for some kind of a Band-Aid for emotional pain. I was trying to make myself go to sleep. I was just miserable, so broken and so empty and trying to fill it with that," McCready said. "Now I don't have that issue anymore. I am not empty and I don't need to fill my life and my insides with something that is hurtful to me."

Watch Mindy McCready and Mac Phillips talk about their addiction and recovery here.

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