iPad vs. Windows 8 tablet
iPad vs. Windows 8 tablet screenshot

Microsoft is continuing its Windows 8 vs iPad TV commercial series by airing a new ad squarely focused on the multitasking capabilities in Windows 8.

Related: iPad 5, iPad Mini 2 Release Date News: Features, Prices and Rumor Roundup [VIDEO]

On Windows 8 tablet devices, users can work in two apps side-by-side. Microsoft demonstrates this comparison in terms of work: agents communicating about baseball player prospects to their offices. Interestingly, MLB.com digital head said this earlier this year: "There's no other [mobile platform]. It's Apple and it's Android."

This is the fourth commercial by Windows that takes a jab at Apple's iPad. The first two demonstrated a wide range of features such as multi-tasking and home screen pinching and zooming. All the commercials up til now has used Apple's Siri voice to mock the Apple product.

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The last ad focuses on expressing that Windows 8 tablets are better productivity devices with the full Microsoft Office suite rather than just OneNote and multitasking capibilities. Additionally, the Redmond-based company pits a single ASUS tablet's weight and thinness against the iPad. Additionally, Microsoft shows how that single ASUS tablet includes an SD card reader. Check it out below.

Related: Microsoft Takes Jab At Apple With New Tablet Commercial [VIDEO]

The commercials are funny but they do express a legitimate point. A lot of the Windows tablets have much more features than the iPad.

Do you think the Microsoft tablets are better than Apple's iPad?

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