Michoacan Violence
Vigilantes stand outside the municipality after entering the town of Nueva Italia January 12, 2014. Reuters

Michoacan vigilantes and drug cartel members in the area have created an new cartel: La Tercera Hermandad or 'Los H3,' according to new security documents. Confrontations in recent days in the municipality of Jiquilpan, which borders with the state of Jalisco, follows a pattern of criminal groups in Michoacan, where La Tercera Hermandad or The Third Brotherhood is attempting to become another major player. Los H3 apparently includes members of the vigilantes as well as Nueva Generación (CJNG) and Knights Templar leaders, including Servando Gómez La Tuta.

La Tercera Hermandad includes members like Miguel Ángel Gallegos Godoy, known as El Migueladas, who is a leader of the vigilante group from the community of La Huacana, as well as Luis Antonio Torres González, AKA El Americano, and José Alvarado Robledo, El Burrillo, from Buenavista Tomatlán. The emergence of the H3 cartel represents the fourth generation of criminal gangs to emerge in Michoacan, which began in the 90s with La Empresa and followed on to La Familia and then Los Caballeros Templarios.

With the iminent decline of the Knights Templar Cartel, the Tercera Hermandad has risen to take its place. The new group, which emerged to public light on the 8th of March 2014, has among its ranks people with long criminal history who were small players in the Knights Templar cartel but have now risen to prominence in their own cartel. On March 8th this year, three vigilante leaders were murdered, presumably by order of Hipólito Mora, one of the most prominent vigilante leaders and founder Los H3.

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