India’s Uttar Pradesh recently logged in two spine-chilling incidents of honour killings amid the ongoing nationwide lockdown. While these have been two separate instances, both of the unfortunate deaths have been linked to torrid illicit affairs that were staunchly opposed by the rest of the family members.
One of the victims was Mustafa, a 35-year-old married man from Bajot Village, who was brutally assaulted and shot by his lover’s kin in Meerut. Local residents alleged that Mustafa engaged in an extra marital affair under the wraps with a woman who belonged to the accused, Sartaj’s family. Despite several warnings, the power loom worker carried on the affair, only to be brutally assaulted and shot by Sartaj and his allies. While Mustafa’s wife alerted the Lisadigate police of the crime, it was already too late—Mustafa was found lying in a pool of blood by the time the cops had arrived at the scene of crime.
Police deployed force to bring things under control as family members were unrelenting and staged a protest to prevent the body from being taken for post-mortem for several hours.
On the other hand, a 24-year-old man hailing from a jeweler’s family was lynched on Wednesday in Ghaziabad. Manish, a resident of Pooja Colony in Tronica City was allegedly carrying out a full-blown sexual relationship with a married mother of four. The two reportedly belong to the same locality, as reported by United News of India.
In spite of Manish being warned by the woman’s family to keep his distance, the young man paid no heed. Things eventually got awry when the woman’s family caught him in the act with the woman, and violently struck him until he was dead, early last week. His murderers are on the run, as per police reports.
Detailed probes have been launched to nab the persons involved in the crimes.
In a similar instance from Iran, a 47-year-old London based Iranian filmmaker was slain by his parents on Sunday, after a feud with his parents turned awry.
Babak Khorramdin was reportedly sedated and chopped into pieces for refusing to marry, despite constant cajoling. Khorramdin’s father later came forward and confessed to the crime, Daily Star reported.
They were eventually arrested in Ekbatan, west Tehran by law enforcement officials. The arrest was made after cops from Tehran’s Police Station 35 launched an investigation of the family house.
Khorramdin, an openly gay man, had flown back to his hometown due to the pandemic and was living with his family ever since. It is believed that Khorramdin returned to Iran to teach filmmaking to his countryfolk when he was killed.
"That is not to mention the case last year of Romina Ashfrafi, a 14-year-old girl who was beheaded by her father in an honor killing. Despite a child protection law being passed in 2020 in Iran, honor killings and domestic violence continue more broadly, and this is an area the international community needs to address with Iran,” stated Brodsky in a report by Daily Mail.