Two police officers, based in the Surrey Heath area in the UK, chose to have sex in their squad car rather than taking calls to attend assault and burglary incidents in 2019.
Suspicious bosses bugged a vehicle to expose Sergeant Molly Edwards and her lover Police Constable Richard Paton's affair, according to Daily Mail. After an urgent 4.51 am radio request for help at an electrical store for burglary, Paton was heard moaning “aww, let’s just get naked."
The cops, who are both married and have children, had also ignored a 4.17 am call to attend a hospital regarding two victims of an assault that took place outside a nightclub. An independent disciplinary board heard that when they got the call, they were parked 15 minutes away having sex, according to The Sun.
Panel chair John Bassett said, “It is evident from the transcripts of what occurred after the call that sexual activity continued.”
Secret recordings in the car captured “verbal expressions of sexual fantasies” by the two cops, and was played for the panel. Their sexual activity “clearly involved removal of some of their clothing, kissing,” as well as him pleasuring her and the exposure of her breasts, according to a report.
Before last month’s tribunal, Edwards and Paton resigned from Surrey Police. Four allegations of gross misconduct were proven, and the panel said that both of them would have been fired had they been working.
Between June and September 2019, the two were alleged to have “engaged in sexual activity whilst on duty in a police vehicle in a public space." They denied having full intercourse, and Edwards said that while the vehicle was bugged, sexual activity happened only over two days. Before resigning, she said of her affair that it wasn’t always sexual and that sometimes it could be something as simple as holding hands.
Edwards, who was awarded a Divisional Commendation in 2015 for her “valiant actions” tackling a violent drunk stealing food from a restaurant, said that she enjoyed the time she had with the cop, but became aware what they were doing was not right, and said that she would like to say to him that they should put a stop to it.