Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died this month at the age of 87. Reuters

Margaret Thatcher's funeral is Tuesday, and the British government is less than happy with the response from the United States. The "Sun" reports that "Downing Street [London's version of Pennsylvania Avenue] is most angered by rejections from Obama, First Lady Michelle and Vice-President Joe Biden". Instead of attending the funeral of Margaret Thatcher, one of America's strongest allies throughout her life, President Barack Obama declined to even send Secretary of State John F. Kerry, the usual official to visit allies in a president's stead.

President Obama will not be sending a single elected official to London for Margaret Thatcher's funeral. Instead, Obama will be represented by Secretaries of State from the Reagan and Bush-41 administrations: 82-year-old James Baker III and 92-year-old George Shultz. Michelle Obama has chosen Barbara Stephenson and Louis Susman, the Obama administration's former ambassador to the United Kingdom.

German President Angela Merkel has also decided not to attend Margaret Thatcher's funeral, as well as Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Speculation on Kirchner's snub centered around recent developments in the Falkland Islands in which citizens voted to stay under British rule. The Falklands War was fought against Argentina when Thatcher was in office.

On the other side of the political aisle in the United States, the GOP is sending Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn. and Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. among other notable Congresspeople. Former Rep. Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., a former presidential candidate and Speaker of the House, will be in attendance. Nancy Reagan reportedly wanted to attend, but the 91-year-old former first lady thought it would be tough for someone at her age. On an interesting note, Lady Thatcher & Ronald Reagan's chief international rival Mikhail Gorbachev of Russia cited health issues in his decision not to attend.

Instead of Barack Obama, the most prominent North American leader to attend Margaret Thatcher's funeral will be Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada.

Though not much in the way of explanation from Washington has been reported regarding Obama's decision not to fly to London, many in Britain have their own opinions. Leader of the "Thatcherite Conservative Way", Sir Gerald Howarth noted "that the present administration feels unable to be represented as the world marks the extraordinary contribution Margaret Thatcher made will be a source of disappointment to those who served with her." In that regard, no living president of either party will be attending. Harper will be the only chief executive from North America in attendance.

Regarding the United States' dearth of dignitaries and the fact Obama himself will not be heading to London for Margaret Thatcher's funeral, former presidential candidate Herman Cain, R-Ga., remarked on Twitter: "No surprise, but sad just the same."

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