An Irish man reportedly suffered short-term amnesia and forgot the events that happened the day before after having sex with his wife.
According to the Irish Medical Journal’s May issue published on Wednesday, May 25, the unidentified man suffered an episode of short-term amnesia officially known as Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) about 10 minutes after having sex with his wife.
After being intimate, he reportedly noticed the date on his phone and “became distressed that he had forgotten his wedding anniversary the day before.” However, the man had actually celebrated the occasion with his wife the previous evening but had entirely forgotten about it and had absolutely no recollection of events, New York Post reported.
“He repetitively questioned his wife and daughter over the events of that morning and the previous day,” the journal stated.
TGA is defined by the Mayo Clinic as a “sudden, temporary episode of memory loss that can’t be attributed to a more common neurological condition, such as epilepsy or stroke.”
TGA, which is a rare condition, usually affects those between the ages of 50 and 70. The condition reportedly wipes out their recollection and affects their ability to recall recent events. According to medical experts, some people who experience TGA may fail to remember things that happened up to a year before. However, the people who suffer from this condition usually regain their memory within a few hours, the Irish Times reported.
In the case of the Irish man, the man’s long-term memory remained intact. He was able to state his name, age, and other basic biographical details. After realizing that he was likely suffering from a TGA episode, the man went to a local emergency room for treatment. When the doctors conducted a neurological examination, his condition was found to be “completely normal” and his memory again returned a short time later.
However, this was reportedly not the first time the man has suffered from the condition. He had previously experienced TGA about seven years back in 2015. Similar to his recent experience, the TGA episode in 2015 also occurred shortly after he had sexual intercourse.
Meanwhile, the authors of the Irish Medical Journal article, who also work in the Department of Neurology at University Hospital Limerick, stated that up to 10% of people who suffer TGA will suffer a subsequent episode.

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