A man reportedly found human remains in a barbeque grill pit located in the backyard of his house in Houston on Tuesday, July 12.

Deputies from the Houston Police Department were called to the scene in the 5200 block of Peach Creek Drive near Allendale Road, Houston at around 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 12, after the owner of the house, who was doing some work behind his residence, discovered what he believed was a human skeleton inside a brick barbecue grill pit in his backyard, FOX 26 Houston reported.

Law enforcement immediately responded to the scene, searched the premises, and found the human remains in the barbeque pit.

“In their backyard, we did locate what appears to be a human skeleton inside a brick barbecue grill. At this point we can't confirm for sure that it's a human skeleton," said Lt. Larry Crowson of the Houston Police Department.

According to officers, the body was reportedly already burnt at the time of the discovery.

"It's not our typical case, not at all," said Sgt. William Dunn of the Houston Police Department.

"It's a custom BBQ pit. It's a brick BBQ pit. It's quite large. It's not the typical type of BBQ pit you'd seen at Lowes and Home Depot," said Sgt. William Dunn.

Meanwhile, the Houston Police Department's Homicide Division said the skeletal remains appeared to belong to an adult. Officials stated that they are waiting for autopsy results from the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences to determine the identity of the remains and the cause of death, News 4 San Antonio reported.

"Course at this point, we don't know race, sex and we don't know how the body, if it is a human skeleton, how they died. Medical Examiner's unit and homicide will determine all that," said Lt. Larry Crowson, Houston Police Department.

Officers are calling this a death investigation and no charges have been filed in connection with the incident.

Investigating officers are asking anyone with information related to this case to contact the HPD Homicide Division at 713-308-3600 or contact Crime Stoppers anonymously at 713-222-TIPS.

A man reportedly found human remains in a barbeque grill pit located in the backyard of his house in Houston on Tuesday, July 12. This is a representation image. Grillette / Pixabay

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