A man who allegedly slaughtered his boss's family of four after he was denied a promotion at his job has been arrested and taken into custody on Sunday, Sept. 11.

Suspect Fang Lu, 58, faces capital murder charges for allegedly massacring his superior at work, Maoye Sun, 50, his boss's wife MeiXie, 49, and their children Timothy, 9, and Titus, 7, at the family's home on Fosters Creek Drive in Cypress in 2014.

According to a criminal complaint filed in the Harris County District Clerk's Office, Lu allegedly committed the murders because he was mad that Maoye did not recommend him for a promotion, the Daily Beast reported.

On Jan. 30, 2014, Maoye's friends checked up on them after not hearing from the family for several days. However, the four were subsequently found shot in the head, in separate bedrooms, inside their home on Fosters Creek Drive.

After the murders, Feng Lu was interviewed by a special agent of the FBI due to his relations with Maoye and the victim's family. He told the agent that he'd worked at Cameron International Corporation, an oil and gas company, now named Schlumberger, alongside Maoye Sun. Maoye was working as a mechanical engineer at the company.

Lu reportedly wanted to transfer to the company's research and development section and asked Maoye, who was his superior, for a recommendation. However, he was not promoted and his co-workers began treating him differently a day after he asked for the promotion. Lu allegedly speculated that, instead of making the recommendation, Maoye may have said something derogatory about him to his coworkers behind his back, Houston Chronicle reported.

Lu admitted to being angry at Maoye over the incident. However, he vehemently denied being behind the killings. Suspicions toward Lu grew after he offered conflicting stories to authorities about a gun he’d purchased and later returned to a store without a barrel. Following this, a warrant for his arrest was issued. However, the warrant came after Lu had already left the country.

Meanwhile, forensic technicians recovered DNA from a Coach purse at the crime scene that was later traced back to Lu. The DNA match contradicted Lu's statement that he'd never been in the family's house.

The DNA results were released after Lu had already returned home to his native China. Even though detectives feared they’d never be able to make an arrest, when Lu landed in California on Sunday, Sept. 11, he was finally taken into custody.

Lu is currently in California awaiting extradition and prosecutors are asking he be held without bail.

gun hostage
A man who allegedly slaughtered his boss's family of four after he was denied a promotion at his job has been arrested and taken into custody on Sunday, Sept. 11. This is a representational image. Unsplash

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