Lucero has started the year with a bang, literally, after a photo scandal that has her in the middle of the controversy. A Mexican tabloid magazine published a series of photos that has the 44-year-old singer hunting for animals in the wild that has outraged thousands of animal rights activists. The news has become a viral sensation on social networks and has caused trending topics like "Lucero Asesina" ("Lucero The Assassin") and "Te Mato Como Lucero" ("I Will Kill You Like Lucero"). Twitter has been inundated with mocking of the event and below we have some of the best memes from the social network.
Lucero is experiencing a backlash after personal photos were leaked and published by a Mexican tabloid magazine that shows her hunting animals in the wild. The pictures have created quite the stir in social media and the consequences are being felt by the telenovela star that had lead to her possibly losing out performing at the prestigious "Viña Del Mar Music Festival" in Chile. The mayor of the Chilean city was surprised from the images she saw and asks festival organizers to evaluate Lucero's presence at the event. "I am very surprised by the presence of this artist in those photos, as a defender of the lives and animal rights, I ask that you evaluate as organizers and producers of the Festival the impact that this information," Virginia Reginato said in the open letter. "The Festival should always be an instance where art can express the best of a human being and their content should call on for peace, unity and harmony."
Eugenio Derbez, an animal rights activist, has lashed out on Lucero after a photo's surfaced of the actress hunting for wild animals with her millionaire boyfriend. "Everyone that works in this industry love Lucero, but there are things that one cannot defend," Derbez said during the radio interview. "Even though she is a friend, I am absolutely against what she did and the hunting of animals. I don't think there is anything that justifies the killing of a live being and I disapprove of it. It truly saddened me because I would've never imagined Lucero would be involved in something like this. I love her very much but I do not approve and hopefully she reflects on it. We are living in a violent Mexico and we don't need these type of images. We need to be congruent and hopefully she doesn't get angry but changes."
#Lucero #Meme-3 pic.twitter.com/96aucETxBH
— ©David Sáenz Duarte® (@DavoSaenz) January 8, 2014
El Teleton de Lucero http://t.co/scLrVpjvYL pic.twitter.com/F1pjfZkFdW
— Luis Gerardo (@LuisGerardoMX) January 9, 2014
IMÁGENES FUERTE ( 18) URGE RT. #TeMatoComoLucero #LuceroAsesina pic.twitter.com/xnSnjrjAaT
— Josap bautiscake. (@Josssap) January 7, 2014
Tiembla Soraya Montenegro #LuceroAsesina #TeMatoComoLucero pic.twitter.com/Xv5DYzMHk2
— Señorita Anaya ♥ (@sofi_anaya) January 7, 2014
#TeMatoComoLucero ahora entiendo todo... pic.twitter.com/CuekcfHZAR
— Salvador Paredes (@Chava_Paredes) January 7, 2014
Aquí apurada, a Lucerito se le hace tarde para matar... #TematoComoLucero, #LuceroAsesina pic.twitter.com/fE3qGZ2ZIG
— Richie Ibarra (@richieibarra) January 7, 2014
Shhh ahí viene @LuceroMexico #TeMatoComoLucero #LuceroAsesina pic.twitter.com/P3Scld3n70
— HElSENBERG 웃❤유 (@Tavitopaz) January 7, 2014
Ya vieron el cartel de Madagascar 4 #LuceroAsesina #RetoSaiote #PeoplesChoice pic.twitter.com/TO18zca0uy
— SoloEnDF (@SoloEnDF) January 9, 2014
The Katy Perry's Power about #LuceroAsesina the best @katyperry @LuceroMexico pic.twitter.com/bZp3JMlvnw
— Leonardo Álvarez (@leo_alvam) January 9, 2014
#LuceroAsesina Duck Hunt: Lucerito Edition pic.twitter.com/K19REcJPVR
— Kid Calavera (@KidCalavera) January 8, 2014
No al matrato animal, cazar no es un deporte. #TeMatoComoLucero #LuceroAsesina pic.twitter.com/jyii4u5D34
— Manuel Cárdenas (@ManuelCardenas) January 7, 2014
Felicidades @LuceroMexico !! Saliste en la portada de Hunters!! #LuceroAsesina pic.twitter.com/oTmuXyFUmx
— Dr. Cursi (@DrCursi) January 7, 2014
El nuevo logo del @TeletonMexico #LuceroAsesina #TeMatoComoLucero pic.twitter.com/ri9SS8pKrA
— Laura Padrón (@dtx2007) January 7, 2014
ATENCIÓN: @LuceroMexico ya aclaró que no era ella matando animales, era su trilliza malvada. #LuceroAsesina Teletón pic.twitter.com/rfBPjvShms
— Jerrykarma (@jerrykarma) January 7, 2014
#TeMatoComoLucero "RECAPACITA LUCERO, RECAPACITA" Vi tu foto y sabes lo que hice, me compre ropa. #LuceroAsesina pic.twitter.com/NIzSLxRYLy
— Naranja Mecánica. (@lNochingues) January 7, 2014
#LuceroAsesina pic.twitter.com/R2pN5cYAAu
— Rafael (@OyeMam0n) January 7, 2014
Miren quien se acaba de integrar a Duck Dinasty !! Look who just joined Duck Dinasty !! #LuceroAsesina pic.twitter.com/v8HTpgr6Or
— Christian De la Mora (@chdelamora) January 8, 2014
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