Lindsay has been banned from leaving the Betty Ford Center.
Lindsay has been banned from leaving the Betty Ford Center. Twitter

Lindsay Lohan is doing yet another rehab stint but this she is there to stay.

Lohan can't leave the grounds of the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, Calif., where she is currently serving a 90-day rehab sentence, reports People magazine. Patients at the rehab clinic typically earn privileges, like permission to go shopping or get coffee. But not LiLo, she will be reportedly confined to the clinic's 20-acre grounds.

On Monday, an L.A. County Superior Court judge approved Lohan's stay at Betty Ford. Judge James Dabney said she must stay in the hospital wing since she is not allowed to walk out or leave with a pass.

Although Lohan might be on lockdown, she is still allowed to have Adderall, according to reports. Betty Ford will reportedly allow the 26-year-old to take Adderall due to her previous Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder diagnosis. However, doctors at the center are reportedly reviewing her need for the drug.

Lohan's mother Dina says she is happy her daughter is back in rehab.

"I am so relieved and thankful that Lindsay is getting the help she needs in a credible place," she told E! News. "She actually wanted to go, whether the court said to or not. She is happy there, to get introspective and get back on the right track."

"She has a different frame of mind this time," she added of Lindsay's sixth rehab stint. "She realizes and she knows she needs help this time. She was like, 'I'm sorry, Mommy.' And I tell her, 'Don't say you are sorry. You just have to work on yourself and on getting well. Don't beat yourself up.'"

Still, LiLo could possibly violate the order if she decides to do so. An intake counselor explained, "We can't hold a patient against their will, we can't stop a patient from running away. We're not a jail. But we closely monitor patients via security and technicians 24 hours a day."

Furthermore, Lindsay will submit to random drug tests and will not be permitted to have a mobile phone or unsupervised Internet access.

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