Logan International Airport makes apology for 9/11 fire drill.
Image Facebook.com/loganairport

On September 11, 2013 while the rest of the United States was reflecting on the events that took place 12 years ago that day, an airport in Boston was making what some are calling an insensitive mistake. On Wednesday September 11, Boston's Logan International Airport held an emergency training exercise and fire drill. The images of smoke and flames as well as the sounds of horns and sirens panicked civilians inside the airport who were unaware there was a drill. On September 11, 2001 four commercial aircrafts were hijacked and used to attack the United States.

The two planes that were flown in the World Trade Center in New York City originated from Logan Airport. Many people chastised the airport for running a drill on the 12th anniversary. The Governor of Massachusetts spoke to The Boston Globe and said "I didn't know it was going to happen and it's just dumb. The timing could not be worse." The morning of the fire drill the Logan airport officials posted a message to Facebook saying the fire department would be running a training exercise that day. "Smoke on the airfield is part of the training," the message said.

After the fire drill caused massive panic on a day when Americans are more alert than any other, the airport issued an apology for conducting the drill that day. "Massport apologizes for conducting the fire training exercise and understands that it may have offended many of those touched by the events of Sept. 11. Safety and security is our top priority and constant vigilance and readiness is critical, but the exercise should not have taken place on the anniversary of 9/11. The airport community recognizes the day with moments of silence, a service in the chapel, and a wreath at the 9/11 memorial."

Many people left angry comments on the Logan Airport Facebook page. Most of the comments told the officials running the drill they should have picked a different day. A comment left by Daniel Collins reads, "Of all the days to do this training???? Like travelers aren't going to be on edge enough already." Governor Deval Patrick added to his comment saying, he has a tremendous amount of confidence in the Massport leadership. "I have to believe they just didn't catch this."

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