Leonard Nemoy and Zachary Quinto star in the latest Audi ad "The Challenge." Celebrating the new "Star Trek: Into Darkness" movie and playing off the classic plot of "new vs. old," the description on the Audi ad posed the following question:
What happens when old school goes head to head with new school in a battle of speed and wits? Leonard Nimoy takes on newbie Zachary Quinto and his all-new Audi S7..
While Vulcan humanoids are depicted as a species that has evolved to live by reason and logic without the interference of human emotion, the Audi ad suggests that Old Spock Leonard Nimoy and Young Spock Zachary Quinto are actually quite buddy-buddy and enjoy a good laugh.
After losing to a game of chess, Zachary Quinto ups the ante and challenges Leonard Nemoy to a race to a country club. Not the most exciting way to enjoy a sports car, Quinto sprints to his Audi S7 and throws a bag of golf clubs into the spacious hatch before hopping into the driver's seat. Meanwhile, Leonard Nemoy gingerly lowers his bag into his Mercedes-Benz CLS only to find the trunk a little too snug.
Smugly waiting for Nemoy as he leans against the trusty Audi S7, Quinto easily beats Leonard Nemoy to the front of the country club.
A weak, defeated, and melodramatic Leonard Nemoy tells Zachary Quinto in between coughs and gasps for air: "I have been... and always shall be... your friend..."
Not buying it, Quinto gets down to business and reminds Leonard Nemoy to hold his end of the bargain -- loser pays for lunch. A sore loser, and a cunning man, Nemoy challenges Quinto on a technicality, before reaching over for the legendary Vulcan death grip.
Watch the awesome Audi ad "The Challenge" in the video below. Be sure to catch the Easter egg ending!