Supermarket aisle
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As the Latino population in the U.S. continues to grow, brands are constantly looking for ways to reach them. From snacks to TV spots in Spanish, patterns are starting to arise, glimpses into what consumers from the demographic value most. And now a new report from cultural insight researcher Collage has provided an in depth look into which brands are doing things right.

Collage ranked the top 20 brands that connect to Hispanics' passions for food, self-care, and technology using a measure called the Brand Cultural Fluency
Quotient (B-CFQ) which takes into account consumer sentiment about a brand's product in six spaces: Fit, Relevance, Memories, Values, Trust, and Advocacy.

The study also looked into the top Latino traits brands utilize to connect with customers. Those include cultural duality (embrace both their American and Hispanic cultures) , positivity (remain optimistic, ambitious, and confident in their future success in the U.S), engaged (a cosmopolitan worldview) and trail-blazing (resilience and innovation)

"Those brands that combine traditional heritage with modern cultural influences, such as contemporary music and fashion, tend to excel with the Hispanic segment" concluded the study. "The Hispanic cohort values brands that prioritize the needs of Spanish speakers, brands that bring together family and friends, and the brands that help them explore their roots."

The study goes into three cases in depth, claiming that Sony, Don Julio and Hershey "perform distinctively well with Hispanics and wider audiences".

In the case of Sony, which ranked number 3, the study points out its commitment to supporting the Hispanic community. Sony's efforts includes "Family-friendly movies that span decades and increase brand relevance with family-oriented Hispanics" and promoting "robust representation of Latin music, culture, and leaders."

In the case of Don Julio, the study points to the brand's "marketing efforts highlighting current Mexican creatives and supporting Hispanic entrepreneurs" as well as its efforts in pushing for Mexican pride in the U.S. and depicting Mexican heritage with a modern touch.

Hershey "ranked well among Hispanics in part because the brand upholds Hispanic values, focusing on family" while also showcasing a bilingual plant which reflects a highly-appealing work environment for Latinos.

The ranking in full looks as follows:

  1. YouTube
  2. Bounty
  3. Sony
  4. Google
  5. Dove
  6. Ziploc
  7. Colgate
  9. Nike
  10. Amazon
  11. Downy
  12. M&Ms
  13. Walmart
  14. Tylenol
  15. Tide
  16. Samsung
  17. Windex
  18. Hershey
  19. Crest
  20. Oreo

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