New York City Council
New York City Council Creative Commons

A report released by Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) has revealed that, even though Latinas have made strides in political representation within New York State, there is still a lot of work to be done to combat disparity.

The study, which analyzed over 6,000 elected officials across various levels of government, underscored mixed success in achieving political and economic parity for Latinas. For example, even though Latinas hold 17% of City Council seats, they hold fewer than 1% of the 6,000 county, city, and town leadership among positions analyzed.

Furthermore, even though Latinas constitute 12% of New York's delegation in the U.S. Congress with three representatives (all from New York City) the state has yet to elect a Latina or any person of color to the U.S. Senate or to any of the four statewide offices: governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, or comptroller.

Such disparity is even more significant when considering that nearly 1 in 5 New Yorkers identifies as Latino and close to 10% of all the state's population is Latina.

In a press release by HOPE, Felipa Penaloza, lead researcher, commented on the findings:

"Although Latinas have achieved parity in some levels of government, the effort to
maintain representation that reflects the state's population continues. Our study highlights several key appointments to leadership positions highlighting a growing recognition that Latinas deserve to be making important decisions regarding policy. It is crucial that we continue to support and elevate Latina voices in all levels of government, ensuring they have a seat at the table where policies affecting our communities are decided."

Julissa Ferreras, a former New York City Council Woman who served as advisor to the report, expressed optimism towards what the future holds for Latina representation in New York:

"As someone who has experienced firsthand the challenges and triumphs of breaking barriers on the New York City Council, this report hits home. It underscores the vital contributions of Latinas in shaping our state's future and serves as a testament to the progress we have made. The recent changes in census data collection and voting laws are encouraging steps toward a more inclusive democracy. I am confident that New York will continue to lead the way in electing more women and people of color to public office."

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