Khloe and Lamar
Khloe Kardashian spent her recent wedding anniversary with friends and not husband Lamar Odom, although the NBA star did reportedly give her a gift worth $100K. Getty Images

Married life for Khloe Kardashian hasn't been great in recent weeks, especially since reports broke that her husband, NBA star Lamar Odom, is battling a serious drug problem. While Kardashian understands that her personal life will sometimes break into the public spotlight - since she is the sister of model/TV personality Kim Kardashian - the 29-year-old certainly doesn't appreciate the negative attention her family has been receiving lately, especially since most of it deals with her husband's drug problem and whether or not she'll seek an official divorce.

Making another public appearance recently - without husband Lamar Odom - multiple sources indicate that the youngest Kardashian sister spent her fourth wedding anniversary with her closest friends and not her spouse. In an obvious show of support for their friend, Kardashian's buddies Malika and Khadijah Haqq presented Khloe with an engraved crystal that said 'Khloe, Love You 4 Ever.' Marriage life certainly hasn't been anything for the reality television star to get excited about recently but receiving the personalized gift from friends on her anniversary had to make the 29-year-old somewhat happier.

Though Odom did reportedly spend $100K on an anniversary gift for his wife, Hollywood Life indicates that the only thing Kardashian wants is for her husband to get the help he needs in order to get his life and career back on track.

While Odom continues to work with lawyer Richard Hutton regarding his recent drunk-driving arrest, the New York Daily News also reports that the former Los Angeles Lakers star is still battling an addiction to crack-cocaine. Odom, who has remained relatively quiet regarding the negative publicity that's come his way in recent days, took to Twitter recently where he blamed his shortcomings on the absence of his father.

Odom's father slammed the Kardashian family recently and in a show of support for his in-laws, the NBA star stated that there is no reason for his father to be commenting on his life since he wasn't around to raise him.

"Won't continue 2 speak on this but I have got 2 let this out real quick," Odom posted on his Twitter page. "I have let this man and many other get away with a lot of sh-t. He wasn't there 2 raise me. He was absent ALL of my life due to his own demons. My mother and grandmother raised me. Queens raised me."

For those wondering whether or not Odom's wife will eventually seek a divorce, United Press International indicates that it is no longer a question of 'if' Kardashian will leave the former University of Rhode Island basketball star but 'when.'

"Her assistants packed up Lamar's clothes and dropped them off at his loft," a source recently reported. "She'll be the one who ends things, and it will be soon."


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