On Wednesday, shortly after Oklahoma City Thunder star Kevin Durant posted an Instagram photo of his new back tattoo, which contains the Biblical verse James 1:2-4, a writer from the Washington Post's DC Sports Blog pointed out on Twitter that Durant's new ink contained a misspelling.
"It is just me, or does it look like 'mature' is spelled wrong on Kevin Durant's back tattoo?" wrote Sarah Kogod.
The post made waves on social media and fan circles. Durant took notice, apparently: later on Wednesday, the star posted a new photo on Instagram proving he'd gotten the error rectified.
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The tattoo, which spans the entirety of Durant's back, portrays an angel holding a basketball and looking down at the face of Jesus. To the right of Jesus is the Biblical verse, which in the King James Bible appears as this:
"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way."
In the original Instagram photo, the word "mature" appears misspelled as "mautre".
Durant may have taken heed of the Twitter heads-up. Later on Wednesday, he posted again. "I got mature spelled the right way lol" he wrote in the Instagram update, which featured a photo of his modified tattoo.
Earlier this week, Durant made news for donating $1 million to the Red Cross for disaster relief in Oklahoma after tornadoes ripped through the state.
"A national disaster is something that we can't control at all," Durant told WUSA. "And to have it hit so close to home -- I call Oklahoma City my home now -- it's tough to go through. But we're a city that comes together and we'll bounce back from this. It's tough. It's tough right now. But the sun's gonna shine soon. So we've just got to stick together."
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