Prince Andrew and Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton Stars In Mental Health PSA To Champion Being Yourself STEFAN ROUSSEAU/AFP/Getty Images

Kate Middleton has allegedly confronted Prince Andrew over shock claims about his close ties with late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. In a report that came out on Wednesday, a US publication claimed that the Duchess of Cambridge had asked her uncle-in-law to stay away from her family.

Of all the scandals that Prince Andrew’s name has been dragged into, his close association with Epstein is by far the most appalling. A convicted sex offender, Epstein raped and molested underage girls and operated a “sex ring” throughout Europe and America. Last month, he died after committing suicide inside his cell in New York City.

While the probe into Epstein’s cases was still ongoing, the authorities interrogated Prince Andrew about his alleged involvement in his good friend’s sick activities. However, Prince Andrew maintained multiple times that he was not aware of Epstein’s sex crimes.

Despite Prince Andrew’s denial, however, Kate Middleton is reportedly not convinced that he’s innocent. According to the report, Prince Andrew’s possible involvement in Epstein’s sex ring makes Kate sick, so the duchess has decided to confront him and to ask him to keep a safe distance from her family.

“Stay away! You’re revolting!” she allegedly told Prince Andrew.

Kate allegedly believes that even if Prince Andrew would not admit his involvement in Epstein’s crimes, the fact that he chose to stick with Epstein despite his illegal sex activities was totally unacceptable. “It’s no wonder Kate has banned Uncle Andy from seeing her kids,” the source from the Palace allegedly said.

Kate Middleton
Britain's Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, leaves after a visit to Kings College, to open Bush House. NIKLAS HALLE'N/AFP/Getty Images

Although it’s true that Prince Andrew got caught up in Epstein’s crimes, New Idea noted in a more recent report that the alleged confrontation between Prince Andrew and Kate might not be true. According to the publication, neither Kate nor anyone in the royal family believes that Prince Andrew has done anything wrong beyond befriending Epstein.

“His Royal Highness deplores the exploitation of any human being and the suggestion he would condone, participation in or encourage any such behavior is abhorrent,” noted the publication.

Meanwhile, British child abuse lawyer Peter Garsden said that it’s not possible for Prince Andrew to be totally innocent of Epstein’s activities, considering how close they were. “I do not think for a minute that anybody will believe the prince is totally ignorant of what was going on,” he said.

Prince Andrew
The Duke of York the opening of a new building for the collaborative research facility at The Hartree Centre in Daresbury. Science and Technology Facilities Council Follow/Flickr

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