Kai the hatchet wielding hitchhiker
Kai the hatchet wielding hitchhiker screen shot, YouTube.com

Caleb McGillvary A.K.A Kai the Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker was arrested on Thursday in New Jersey for the murder Joseph Galfy Jr., a 73-year-old lawyer. Kai the hitchhiker and the lawyer met in Times Square in NYC. The pair drove back to "a squat brick home on a quiet New Jersey cul-de-sac," CBS reports.

A few days later the lawyer was found beaten to death wearing only his underwear and socks. Police in NJ have arrested Kai the hitchhiker and are now questioning him in Galfy's murder.

"I believe that everyone is a little safer with this person off the streets," the Associated Press reports the NJ prosecutor as saying.

According to People Magazine, Kai the hitchhiker was arrested Thursday night at the Grey Hound bus terminal. Kai allegedly cut off his long hair and got a face tattoo in order to avoid detection.

Kai the hatchet wielding hitchhiker became famous this past February after a video of him describing a car crash went viral on YouTube.

According to the video a seemingly crazed man claiming to be Jesus drove his car into a PG&E employee, pinning the worker between the car and his truck. Witnesses at the scene say the man claiming he was Jesus drove into the worker because he was black and began to yell about how he would get all black people off the Earth.

The passenger in the driver's car was Kai the hitchhiker. When the driver began to attack a woman who was trying to help the injured man Kai went at him with a hatchet. His description of the entire incident made Kai the hitchhiker an Internet sensation.

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