Idina Menzel, John Travolta
John Travolta introduced Idina Menzel at the Oscars so she could perform Frozen's hit "Let It Go." However, he got a little confused with her name. Getty

One of the moments we all were waiting for at the Oscars 2014 was to see Idina Menzel perform Frozen’s song “Let It Go.” After the movie was released, the song became a major success, with little girls from all over the world trying to imitate Idina’s unique voice as they sang along their new “anthem.” Even adults were interested to see this iconic Broadway star perform a Disney song in such an international and prestigious platform.

After about two hours and a half later, the time finally came. And John Travolta came out to present the singer and Broadway performer. But instead, he introduced the "wickedly talented" star we were all waiting to see: Adele Dazeem. Or something like that. Really, anything but Idina Menzel. We don’t know if that mispronunciation had something to do with the fact that Idina felt really uncomfortable during her performance and that we feared a few of her vocal chords were about to pop when she hit those high notes.

Fortunately, that performance wasn’t relevant at the time to pick the winner for “Best Song,” which went to “Let It Go” as many had hoped. After that little flub with her name, the internet blew up, and accounts like @AdeleDazeem, @AdelaDazeem and @AdelaNazeem surfaced on Twitter, mocking Travolta’s attempt to say Menzel’s name. “THANK YOU, JORN TROMOLTO!” read one account, while another jokingly said “I hope no one confuses me with that other Adele #Oscars #Oscars 2014 #LetItGo.

You missed it? Check out the video of John Travolta mispronouncing Idina Menzel’s name below!

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