Cristina Torre saves falling baby.
Image NBC New York

Ex-Yankee's manager Joe Torre may be known for his athletic affiliation, but it is his daughter who is making headlines for her quick-thinking and catching ability that saved a young child's life. Joe Torre daughter Christina Torre, a Montessori school teacher, caught a baby that fell off a second-floor Brooklyn apartment's fire escape.

Joe Torre daughter Christina Torre, according to the police, caught the baby on Wednesday after it had climbed out of the apartment, located on Third Avenue and 91st Street in Bay Ridge, and onto the fire escape and then fallen. Joe Torre daughter Christina Torre awas walking on the sidewalk and caught the baby. Authorities did announce that a 44-year-old woman had caught a 1-year-old boy, but had not identified the woman to be Joe Torre's daughter.

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Joe Torre daughter Cristina Torre told NBC 4 New York that she was having coffee at Little Cupcake Bake Shop when a man ran inside and asked someone to call 911.

"I quickly got up and looked, and there was a baby kind of straddling the fire escape between the second and the third floor," she said.

Joe Torre daughter Cristina Torre made the call to 911 and watched the baby, placing herself under the child where she believed the baby, Dillin Miller, could fall.

"All of a sudden it slipped, and it was dangling and holding on with its hands," she revealed, adding that the baby fell and landed in her arms. "I was still talking to 911 and I just put out my arms, and literally, it was effortless," she said. "It was meant to be. He landed in my arms."

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"I hope parents learn from this," she added. "There have to be safety measures put in place to protect the children, because so quick that all this can happen."

Joe Torre could not have been more prouder of his daughter Cristina Torre, as he told the media that he felt good to hear of his daughter's heroic feat.

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"The kids are our future and when you get a situation where the good Lord puts you in a position where you're there, and a child's life is in your hands, literally, it feels good to me. I know it did to her," said Joe Torre.

After being saved by Joe Torre daughter Christina Torre, the baby is reportedly in stable condition. The family pastor to the baby's parents has installed window guards to prevent an accident like this in the future. Authorities have revealed that the baby's parents--23-year-old Sam Miller and 24-year-old Tiffany Demitro--were asleep when the toddler crawled off. The parents have been charged with reckless endangerment and acting in a manner injurious to a child under 17.

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