It’s been a year since the world lost a music icon. Joan Sebastián, also known as “El Rey del Jaripeo” passed away on July 13, 2015 in his ranch located in Juliantla, Guerrero, Mexico and lost his battle with cancer. He was 64 years old.
Joan Sebastián battled the disease for 16 years after being first diagnosed with bone cancer in 1999. He had a successful trajectory that began in the late '70s and wrote more than 1,000 songs including hits for Vicente Fernández, Lucero, Pepe Aguilar and Rocío Dúrcal.
During his lifetime, Sebastián was awarded seven Latin Grammy Awards and five Grammy Awards, making him the most awarded Mexican performer in Grammy history.
At the time of his death, he had two number-one albums on the Billboard Top Latin Albums chart and seven top ten songs on the Hot Latin Songs chart in the United States.
Here are some of his best quotes from songs to remember this legend on his death anniversary.
1) “No me juzgues, no me celes, voy en busca de las mieles de otra flor”. - Contigo, o sin ti
(Don't judge me, don't be jealous, I'm in search of honey in other flowers)
2) "Me gusta amanecer pensando que me quieres, soñarte se hizo ya el mayor de mis placeres, me gusta todo, todo me gusta... de ti”. - Me Gustas
(I like to wake up thinking that you love me, dreaming of you has become my biggest pleasure. I like everything, everything about you)
3) “Me iré, aunque eres mi necesidad, te dejo, pero eso de que te olvide, no sé”. - Tatuajes
(I'm leaving although I need you, I'm leaving you but I'm not sure if I'll forget you)
4) “Delante de la gente no me mires, no suspires, no me llames, aunque me ames, delante de la gente soy tu amigo". - Secreto de Amor
(In front of people don't look at me, don't sigh, don't call me, even though you love me, in front of everyone I'm your friend)
5) "Sé que no merezco tu perdón, que lastimé tu corazón, hoy me avergüenzo, fui el motivo de tu llanto, queriéndote tanto”. - Un Idiota
(I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, that I hurt you, I regret it, I was the reason you cried, and I loved you a lot)
6) "El cielo gris siempre me pone el corazón sentimental”. - Sentimental
(The grey skies always make my heart sentimental)
7) "Y las mariposas volaban de flor en flor y nos enteramos por primera vez lo que es el amor". - Y Las Mariposas
(And the butterflies flew from flower to flower and we knew for the first time what love was)
8) "Quiero volver a ese pueblo en la montaña donde tengo mi cabaña y mi razón de ser. Como añoro como extraño mi caballo, mi rebaño y mi perro fiel". - Juliantla
(I want to go back to that town in the mountains where I have my ranch and my reason of being. How I miss my horse and my faithful dog)
9) "No me des mentiras, no me des explicación se bien lo que quiero y esta es mi desición, vete o me voy...." - Vete O Me Voy
(Don't lie to me, don't give me excuses. I know what I want and this is my decision, leave or I'm leaving)
10) "Probablemente, no entiendas mi partida, pero amar y sufrir, son parte de la vida". - Dos Mares
(Probably you don't understand why I'm leaving, but to love and to suffer are parts of life)
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