Javier Garza Medrano
Javier Garza Medrano Guerrero Police Dept.

El Chapo Guzman was captured just two days ago and now it seems that Mexican authorities have captured a kingpin of one of Mexico's other biggest cartels, the Gulf Cartel. Federal Police Officers arrested Javier Garza Medrano, who has been identified as one of the founders of the Gulf Cartel and has been linked to robberies, kidnapping and extortion. The National Security Commission indicated that the capture had been made without any shots being fired and that authorities made the arrest near the city of Taxco.

Javier Garza Medrano was captured along with five other men identified as members of the Gulf Cartel: Oliver José Cruz Martínez, Christian Antonio Cruz Martínez, Leonardo Miguel de la Rosa Castillo, Carlos Edmundo Vargas Sánchez and Víctor Hugo Salazar Cortés. The officers also confiscated thre vehicles, a rifle, a smoke grenade and two envelopes filled with white powder which appeared to be cocaine. The Gulf Cartel is arguable the second most powerful cartel in the country.

Mexcio's National Security Commission revealed that Javier Garza Medrano is linked to the distribution of drugs in Mexico City and in Tamaulipas, as well as coordinating its trade into the United States. The arrest comes just two days after El Chapo Guzman, arguably the most powerful druglords in Mexico was captured in Mazatlan, Sinaloa on Saturday.

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