Earlier this month Japan mayor, Toru Hashimoto caused an uproar when he made a comment regarding Japan's use of sex slaves or "comfort women" both before and after WWII.
NBC reports that two weeks ago Japan mayor Hashimoto claimed the use of "comfort women" during WWII was "necessary" in order to keep up the morale of Japanese soldiers.
Toru Hashimoto is the co-leader of an emerging right-wing political party in Japan, the Japan Restoration Party. During a press conference two weeks ago Hashimoto said,
"Whether it was of their own violation or against their will, the comfort women system was something necessary for military morale back then, it was probably necessary."
Even members of Hashimoto's own party were outraged by his comment. Sakihiti Owaza of the Japan Restoration Party told the media,
"This is not something that's coming out of our party. I think Mr. Hashimoto was expressing his own private opinions. If these comments continue, we will need to look into his true intentions and put a stop to this."
At a press conference on Monday Japan mayor Hashimoto apologized for his sex slaves comment.
"I am totally in agreement that the use of "comfort women" by Japanese soldiers before and during the World War II was an inexcusable act that violated the dignity and human rights of the women in which large numbers of Korean and Japanese were included."
Hashimoto continues, "I also strongly believe that Japan must reflect upon its past offenses with humility and express a heartfelt apology and regret to those women who suffered from the wartime atrocities as comfort women."
Both before and during WWII the Japanese occupied parts of Asia including South Korea and China. The Japanese soldiers committed such atrocities against the people in China it has been referred to as "The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II."
The Associated Press shared the story of one of the "comfort women" from Korea.
At the age of 14 Kim Bok-dong was told by the Japanese occupiers in her country she was needed to work at a "military uniform factory."
The soldiers took the girl away but instead of a factor the 14-year-old was brought to work in a brothel. During the week she was forced to have sex with at least 15 men a day. On weekends the number was in the dozens.
"At the end of the day she would be bleeding and could not even stand because of the pain," the AP reports. Kim Bok-dong never told anyone her secret until now. Not even Kim's late husband knew about what had happened to her.
Kim Bok-dong only revealed her story so the Japanese government would take responsibility and make restitution to the "comfort women" still alive today.
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