Christmas may arrive much sooner than expected in 2013 for Apple lovers. A new report suggests the company is changing its product refresh cycle and could release its iPhone 6 in the first quarter of 2013, according to Asymco.
As numerous sources note, it's unclear at this point whether Apple's next iPhone will be called the 6 or 5S at its 2013 release date.
Asymco market analyst Horace Dediu recently published a note to investors claiming Apple is in the midst of transforming the way it releases its devices, and that the company will being releasing a redesigned smartphone every six months beginning with the iPhone 6, as opposed to the one-device-a-year product release cycle we've come to expect.
Deidu also claims Apple will start pumping out redesigned iPads at a similar refresh rate starting 2013.
Deidu's report is apparently somewhat based on a recent statement to the press from former Apple CEO John Sculley. The ex-exec noted that Apple is "going through a very significant change now in terms of product cycles... now it's really introducing products twice a year."
Of course, Sculley, who left Apple in 1993, doesn't elaborate as to say where he's getting this information from, so, keep that in mind when you evaluate the credibility of that claim. However, many in the tech-sphere have echoed Sculley's belief now for over a month, so that might lend his words some weight.
As notes, "Apple needs to speed up it's product cycle to keep it's smartphone's and tablets fresh and appealing, and also to compete with Android companies like Samsung that have already begun pumping out more than one new smartphone per year. The iPhone 6 is already facing some steep competition from Samsung, which is preparing to release redesigned Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 smartphones in 2013."
Rumored specs
The latest rumors about the purported specs of the iPhone 6 will feature, among other things, 3D mapping sonar, a new super HD camera/screen beyond the Full HD displays in HTC Droid DNA, a Near Field Communications (NFC) chip, a better battery, a 128GB version of the device, and 8 different color options.
"According to those inside the manufacturing industry Sharp is working on making its super HD display iPhone-ready however because the technology is so advanced it's unlikely to appear on the iPhone 5S with Apple saving the bleeding-edge tech for the likes of the iPhone 6 and possibly even the iPad Mini 2," reported T3.
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