According to multiple reports, Apple is putting its production companies into overdrive to get the new A8 mobile processor chips complete. Digitimes reports the company has tasked several semiconductor product packaging companies to supply the next-gen chips. Amkor Technology, STATS ChipPAC and Advanced Semiconductor Engineering will reportedly all handle packaging of the A8 processors which are said to power the next-gen iPhone 6 and “iPad Pro.” Techradar also reports that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company is said to have secured wafer bumping and foundry orders for the A8 processor.
TechRadar also reports that TSMC is expected to ramp up production of the A8 chip in the second quarter using a 20nm process technology. If the production date is any indication of how far Apple is in the development of the next-generation iPhone, we’d say they are well into it and in line with a June launch date. This is in line with many reports that Apple is expected to announce a new iPhone model at WWDC this year. Chinese tech analyst Sun Changxu told the smaller iPhone device will be 4.7 inches with an 1136 x 640 resolution and would indeed be unveiled at WWDC.
If this rumor is true however, it would indicate Apple is taking a break from the norm. In the beginning when the iPhone was announced the release date would fall sometime in the summer and after the launch of the iPhone 4 the company started launching the devices in the fall. If Apple is ready to break out the norm then hopefully fans of the idevices can expect to see the unveiling of a new iPhone model this June, if not then we’ll still be looking forward to one this fall.
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