iPhone 5C
Apple is marketing the new iPhone 5C through a series of video advertisement focused on the creative and colorful production. Apple

The Apple iPhone 5C is now available for preorder from Apple and all major wireless carriers in the United States. The much anticipated iPhone 5S will not be available for preorder. Both phones will hit store shelves, both physical and virtual on September 20. Online purchasing for the iPhone 5S will begin at 12:01am PDT and 3:01am EDT on September 20. Apple stores will open at 8am local time and if the past is any indication stores and shoppers should be prepared for around the block lines and people camping out all night.

The iPhone 5C offers a wide variety of phone colors and features at a more affordable price. Purchase of the 5C does come with a two-year contract agreement with your mobile provider. The 16GB iPhone 5C runs the user $99 while its 32GB counterpart costs $199. IGN.com has reported iPhone users can purchase the 5C without the two-year contract and buy only an unlocked iPhone 5C. Going with that option however may defeat the purpose of buying an iPhone 5C. The unlocked device is offered through T-Mobile and starts at $549.

Apple addicts have been foaming at the mouth waiting for news regarding the announcement as to when the iPhone 5S would be released. The device has a few new features such as a finger print ID scanner, a 64-bit processor as well as upgraded cameras. A review of the 5S by Metro UK says the device takes some time getting used to and does not look all that dissimilar from the iPhone 5. The reviewer said, "On the flagship 5S I was taken through the 'Touch ID' fingerprint scanner. It certainly felt unnatural and fiddly at first."

The Metro reviewer also said you'd be "twisting your thumb around and waiting for the iPhone's vibration acceptance notification to move you onto the next stage, but once completed that's it locked in the memory -- and you can store up to five fingerprints in total." According to the reviewer, the best part of the phone is the camera, "The camera remains a solid performer if not outstanding, but there is plenty of fun to be had with the slow-mo feature which runs 720p resolution at 120frames per second. The new camera controls feel purposefully like a high-end compact."

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