Monday, July 22, Apple released its iOS 8 fourth beta installment for its iOS devices. Along with the release were a ton of changes from the previous beta including tips, display settings, messages and much more! If you're already using the previous iOS 8 beta from Apple this new update is available over the air (ota) and can be simply installed to your device through the settings menu.
Some of the changes you'll notice in iOS beta 4 include a change to Messages in the Setting app. New options have been added including separate expiration dates for audio and video messages. Also the Talk-to-Text option now shows spoken text in real time rather than waiting for an entire message to finish. There is also a new option in Setting's called Handoff and Suggested Apps, which offer app suggestions relevant to your location. Other updates include tweaks to Safari's bookmarks, the ability to toggle off favorite contacts, the ability to toggle on the QuickType keyboard and much more!
If you've yet to download any of the beta's for iOS 8, don't worry, it's not too late. Beta one and two are still available to be installed on your device although beta three is set to expire soon. Plus users are free to install and test iOS beta 4 if you are a registered developer with Apple. To become a registered developer you need to pay an annual $99 fee as well as register your UDID with Apple. Visit Apple's developer center to find out more about becoming a developer.
However, if you are not a registered developer with Apple for whatever reason there is a way to get your hands on that precious iOS 8 beta. Thanks To iDigital Times there is a list of downloadable iOS 8 beta 4 files and a tutorial on how to download and install the software on your iOS device.
Check out the direct links for iOS 8 Beta 4 below along with a video tutorial on how to install the latest software on your iPhone and iPad. Please note that this software is not complete and is a buggy developer preview not fit for use on your personal device. That being said download and preview the iOS 8 beta at your own risk!
- iPad Air (5th generation WiFi + Cellular)
- iPad Air (5th generation WiFi)
- iPad (4th generation CDMA)
- iPad (4th generation GSM)
- iPad (4th generation WiFi)
- iPad mini (CDMA)
- iPad mini (GSM)
- iPad mini (WiFi)
- iPad mini 2 (WiFi + Cellular)
- iPad mini 2 (WiFi)
- iPad 3 Wi-Fi (3rd generation)
- iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for ATT)
- iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for Verizon)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA)
- iPhone 5 (CDMA)
- iPhone 5 (GSM)
- iPhone 5c (CDMA)
- iPhone 5c (GSM)
- iPhone 5s (CDMA)
- iPhone 5s (GSM)
- iPhone 4s
- iPod touch (5th generation)
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