Facebook to add video to Instagram
Facebook to add video to Instagram Instagram

Reports have surfaced that Facebook will announce its Instagram photo-sharing service will allow short video uploads. This comes in the wake of Twitter's success with its independent Vine app for iOS and Android.

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Vine lets users capture and share video limited to six seconds in length. It's perfect for the ADD generation, and naturally suited to the content that really powers the Web.

Since Vines success Instagram has decided to move ahead with plans that have been in the works for two year to add video, according to AllThingsD.

The AllThingsD report lays out the pitfalls:

Part of the appeal of Instagram as it stands today lies in its simplicity. Scroll down the ever-flowing cascade of photos in your stream and the movement is seamless, easy to ingest. Its elegance and ease of use is one of the key reasons why Instagram has seen such a rapid growth curve over its short lifespan.

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The introduction of video directly into the stream could break up that simple flow, potentially putting off many who have come to love the ease of moving quickly through the feed. Think of the time it takes to look at a photo and that low threshold for attention is exactly what makes them so easy to consume.

Since being acquired by Facebook, Instagram has still maintained an ad-free service. Back in December, when the company made changes to its Terms of Service and to the wording about advertising, there was user uproar and Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom assured users that the company was listening to the strong feedback.

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"We want to create meaningful ways to help you discover new and interesting accounts and content while building a self-sustaining business at the same time," Systrom said. Yesterday Facebook announced that it had 1 million active advertisers on the social network. If Facebook does add video will it look anything like Vine videos? Take a look at the Vine videos below.

The Facebook event begins at 10 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, June 20. ABC News will have the latest then.

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