Feb. 2nd marks another year of Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil! If you are unfamiliar with the holiday, it goes a little something like this. If the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, sees his shadow, we're stuck with six more weeks of winter. However, If he doesn't we luck out with an early spring and warmer weather sooner. It is uncertain how a groundhog got the role of predicting weather but Phil has been participating in Groundhog Day since 1886 and about 40 other Phil’s by our count.
The tradition dates back to 1887, and though the origins are not very clear, it is believed to have originated from ancient European weather lore in which a badger or sacred bear predicts the upcoming weather. There is also a religious background as it shares similarities with Candlemas Day, which also falls on Feb. 2. In observance of the day and its history we have compiled a list of seven fun fast facts you may not have known about the famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil.
1. Punxsutawney Phil is immortal. According to folklore, the magical groundhog was born in 1887, which would make him 123-years-old. Although the average groundhog only lives six to eight years. Lore also suggest that Phil drinks a magical elixir every summer which grants him seven more years of life.
2. Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow 97 times, has not seen it 15 times, and nine years are unaccounted for due to various reasons.
3. Phil has some competition. New York’s got Staten Island Chuck, Ohio’s got Buckeye Chuck, and Georgia’s got General Beauregard Lee. And there is even more Wiarton Willie, Dunkirk Dave, Shubenacadie Sam, French Creek Freddie and Balzac Billy.
4. Phil may be old but that hasn’t stopped him from joining the modern age! He’s texting and even has his own YouTube channel and Facebook page.
5. There’s no Groundhog Day in Alaska. There aren’t many groundhogs in Alaska, so then-Gov. Sarah Palin signed a bill last year officially designating February 2 as Marmot Day although he can’t foresee the weather.
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