The iPad Pro 2020 release date will definitely happen next year according to various reports. Everyone is expected for the new gadget to arrive with better specs and features to upgrade Apple’s tablet lineup.

However, there are a few tech enthusiasts saying that the iPad Pro 2020 might not be worth the wait considering that the current 2018 iPad Pro works just fine. Here are some of the reasons why some buyers think it is better to get the existing model.


One advantage the 2018 iPad Pro has over the iPad Pro 2020 is that it’s already available now. Meanwhile, there is no definite release date for the new gadget yet and predictions between different source vary greatly.

For instance, GottoBeMobile wrote that the new model might arrive by March of 2020. However, there are also predictions that it might arrive by September next year or around nine months from now.

A nine-month wait is okay if a tablet is not urgently needed. But for those who can wait that long, the 2018 iPad Pro is a good alternative to consider.

iPad Pro Deals

The 2018 iPad Pro is no longer new and some retailers are eager to move their inventory for newer products. What this means is that they’ll likely offer deals to sell the gadgets.

Now is particularly a good time to look for iPad Pro holiday deals. Be sure to compare the deals being offered by Amazon or Best Buy before taking the plunge.

Meanwhile, one can’t expect too many deals for the 2020 iPad Pro when it arrives next year since it’s still brand new. What’s even worse, electronic gadgets are usually priced higher when they launch and will only gradually decrease in price in the coming months.

The 2020 iPad Pro Might Not Have 5G

For those saving up and waiting for the perfect tablet from Apple might be setting themselves up for a huge disappointment. While there are rumors that the 2020 iPad Pro might be 5G enabled, those are just rumors and have never been confirmed.

Tech watchers say that a 5G iPad Pro is possible if it gets released in late 2020. But if the rumored March release date comes true, there’s a good chance that the gadget won’t support 5G yet.

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